
1.课程表用英语怎么说1.curriculum 英 [k?'r?kj?l?m] 美 [k?'r?kj?l?m] 名词. (学bai校等的)全部du课程网络. 课程设置,课zhi程表,课程安排2.syllabus3.schedule4.timetable例句:The syllabus is going around the class.课程表就在教室里传dao阅一下 。
5.Options are offered subject to staff availability and the constraints of the timetable.课程选择视教师的时间与课程表的限制而回定 。扩展资料:英文版的课程表:语文Chinese数学Maths外语English政治Political历史History体育P.E.地理Geography计算机Computer生物Biology音乐Music美术Art物理Physics化学Physics参考资料:百度百科-schedule 。
2.英语课的单词怎么写数学课的,英语是mathematics 。
英[?m?θ??m?t?ks] 美[?m?θ??m?t?ks]
n. 数学; 〈诗〉同“ripen”; 算学;
[例句]Elizabeth studied mathematics and classics.
伊丽莎白学过数学和古典文学 。
Once you understand the mathematics of debt you can work your way out of it.
一旦掌握了债务计算,你就能迎刃而解 。
The core subjects are English, mathematics and science
基础课是英文、数学和科学 。
Most of the students in this class are good at mathematics.
这个班的学生多半数学很好 。
Mathematics and astronomy are cognate sciences.
【课程英文单词怎么写】数学和天文学是互相关联的科学 。
He has come out in front in the study of mathematics.
他在数学方面已名列前茅 。
3.精品课程的英文怎么写很多表达,把意思表达清楚了就行了 。
精品课程:elaborate course
elaborate classes
excellent course
high-quality course
high-quality classes
high-level course
quintessence courses
fine-designed courses
上面这些,够你选择了吧! 给我加精啊!