businesscase怎么写 case是什么意思business case商业案例;业务案例;业务实例;商业个案双语例句1. The two companies make a clear business case for the joint venture. “两拓”的合资企业有着明确的商业理由.2. Without a solid business case, KM is a futile exercise. 脱离了具体的商业实践,知识管理只是空谈.3. Part Two: Making the Business Case for Technology. 第二部分: 为技术找业务上理由.4. Second of its kind , the competition is an international business case competition for full - time business students. 已是第二次举办的国际创业计划比赛,是专为 全日制 商管生而设的国际性比赛.5. Between them, consumers and employees have made a strong business case for sustainability.在消费者和雇员两者间形成了强有力的可持续发展商业计划 。
2.谁能帮我做一下这三道business的题,根据case study 那个写,要In the small community, the affirmation was set by the closed and familiar community between each other, which made them feel like at home. ( increase their motivation by relationship unclearly between work and life, which is the most population situation for millennial ) ; decision power is distributed into the individual to increase their motivation by participation and divide responsibility for company's growth to everyone (decision making)the complexity of culture by everyone; processing conflict and relationship conflict would be more frequent in the discussion, which may be hard to negotiate; the decision may not able to make in time; high motivation doesn't always come out greatly in productivity the large company is so hard to divide the decision making 's power to everyone because it increases the costs and efficiency; large company get into the stage of growing and matures, the management style is stable, which everyone response to the part they work so that the employee can easily substitute to keep company's running. 。
3.谁能帮我做下这两个business的题 用英语回答 谢谢啦,根据case studyfirst of all, he is wealthy and live alone, he got quite a bunch of time and money to start a business after retirement as an accountant. Secondly, Dan gained satisfactory and cash income from the operation of the garden centre business, as described in the last sentence in paragraph one.第二题题目忘了 。
4.急【businesscase怎么写】Ⅰ. IntroductionThe car wash will be based in China. This area has a number of benefits in terms of the market that it will provide for the business. Over 40% of households in the immediate neighborhood earn over ¥70,000 annually. Soap bubble will have 20% market share of the hand car wash business in the neighborhood by the end of year three, and it aims to convert a larger percentage of people away from machine car washes, which damage a car's finish. Soap bubble will maintain a 95% gross profit margin and make 11% net profit margin after 12 months of operation.Sales ForecastSales Forecast 2003 2004 2005Sales Individuals ¥76,086 ¥123,033 ¥165,662Businesses ¥6,431 ¥8,776 ¥9,988Total Sales ¥82,517 ¥131,809 ¥175,650Direct Cost of Sales 2003 2004 2005Individuals ¥3,804 ¥6,152 ¥8,283Businesses ¥322 ¥439 ¥499Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales ¥4,126 ¥6,590 ¥8,783Ⅱ.Product descriptionSoap bubble is a prominent hand car wash serving China community. Soap bubble will be run by the prominent family. The Song family has been serving the broad area with a car repair business and property development /management for over 30 years. Song will be leveraging the incredible good will and brand recognition of the Song family name to quickly gain market penetration.Ⅲ. Target market A. Market DemographicsThe profile for Soap bubble' target customer consists of the following geographic, demographic, and behavior factors:B. Geographic ? The immediate geographic target is the city of China? A 25 mile radius is in need of services, however, 87% of the business will be from a seven mile radius. ? The total targeted population is just over 43,000.C. Demographics? Male: female- 63%: 37%. The reason for this discrepancy in the male to female ratio is generally explained by the fact that men typically care more about their automobiles. Men are more likely to spend money on their cars with accessories and are more likely to buy a car as a reward for some accomplishment as a treat for themselves. Women tend to view cars more so as an object of utility. Using this line of reasoning, women are more likely to use the automatic car wash as they are less concerned about preserving their "precious" car. ? 40% of the households have an income exceeding ¥70,000. ? 73% of the target population have an undergraduate degree, 39% have a graduate degree.D. Behavior Factors? 43% of the target customers lease their cars. ? Individual and family image is personified by the type and condition of the automobile that they have.Ⅳ. Competition analysisThere is one other hand car wash shop. It is quite new and is trying to compete with automatic car washes by offering low prices. However, it is not targeting the customers who seek quality cleaning.The customers who Soap bubble is targeting have their cars washed based on the quality of the job. They do not mind spending a little more each week to have their car washed and waxed in order to keep the paint work in excellent shape. The businesses of Soap bubble targets will be more cost conscious, so prices will be approximately 30% less for these customers to promote volume usage.Ⅵ. Segment summary Soap bubble segments its customers by a type of car ownership. SR believes that the type of car that a person owns says volumes about their driving, and, therefore their car washing and detailing requirements.1. New car owners: Owners of newer cars are most likely to use a hand car washing service. These owners take great pride in their cars and will bring them often to the wash and detail service. The goal with these customers is to promote regular use of the wash and detail service. The aim is to inform these customers that Soap bubble will keep their car looking as good as it did the day they drove it off the lot. 2. Older luxury car owners: These people have either owned their high-end luxury cars for several years or are unable to afford the expense of a new luxury car but want the feel of relaxed driving. Both of these groups want to keep their cars in the best shape possible. Those who have bought second-hand cars will often spend main China hours in their cars and will place high importance on keeping their cars looking good. These owners will bring their cars in for regular washes and occasional details. 3. Sports car owners: These people are often younger or middle-aged men and will regard the look of their car as important. They will also pride themselves on the look of their car and will have their car hand washed (at least) weekly. These drivers will have an。