
1.“活泼开朗”用英语怎么说“活泼开朗”用英语说:Lively and cheerful 。
You again good lively and cheerful helpful, also than but a face of others.你再心地善良活泼开朗乐于助人,也比不过别人的一张脸 。My assistant, snow is a young beautiful girl, lively and cheerful, soon put me as a friend can talk about anything.我的助手小雪是一下年轻美丽女孩,活泼开朗,很快就把我当成无话不谈的朋友 。
I was a good student, you taught me that hate words, so I very like. As long as your lessons, youare so lively and cheerful.我是你的好学生,你教会了我那讨厌的单词,使我变得很喜欢 。只要是您的课,您都是那么活泼开朗 。
Individuals are equal, as long as Ken intentions are certain to succeed! Lively and cheerful, positive person ecology.个人来说都是平等的,只要肯用心就一定能成功!个性活泼开朗,有积极的人生态 。I am a lively and cheerful girl.我是一个性格开朗、活泼的女生 。
2.外向的的英文单词 怎么写outgoing
读音:英 [?a?tg????] 美 [?a?tgo???]
1、He's not the thoroughly outgoing character you'd predict, although he has his moments.
虽然他也有活泼的时候,但他并非如你所想的那么外向 。
2、She is such a gregarious and outgoing person.
她很外向,喜欢交朋结友 。
3、Both my brother and I are outgoing people.
我弟弟和我都是外向的人 。
4、I was more outgoing.
我变得更加外向了 。
5、I am an outgoing boy.
我是一个性格外向的男孩 。
读音:英 [?ekstr?v?:t] 美 [??kstr??v?t]
复数: extroverts
派生词: extroverted adj.
记忆技巧:extro 超过;以外 + vert 转 →〔性格〕向外转 → 性格外向的
1、I take it back, I think perhaps I am an extrovert
我收回说过的话,我想也许我是外向型的人 。
2、Sue is the extrovert in the family; opinionated, talkative and passionate about politics.
苏是家中的外向行动派,性格固执,能说会道,而且对政治非常热衷 。
3、Really? You always look confident and calm! I assumed that you were an extrovert.
真的?你总是看上去很自信和平静 。我以为你是个性格外向的人呢 。
4、A good salesman is usually an extrovert, who likes to mingle with people.
一个好的推销员通常很外向,喜欢和人们交往 。
5、Leadership is not about whether one is extrovert or introvert, he said.
他说,领导力和内向或者外向没有关系,关键在于洞察力 。
英文:open and clear; clear up; sanguine; optimistic
Every day of sunshine strengthens the feelings of optimism.
每天晒太阳让人心情更加开朗 。
He was a nice lad — bright and with a sunny disposition.
他是个不错的小伙子——聪明伶俐而且性格开朗 。