
1.summary怎么写Summary Writing(I) The Importance of Summary Writing(I) In our electronic age,there is a big bang of information 。
It would be impossible and not necessary for any human brain to remember all the lectures,theses,periodical articles and books 。The best way out is to keep track of them by writing summaries of all the things that are worth remembering 。
Summaries are good for personal reference as well as communication 。In practising summary writing the students learn to observe things,to thoroughly understand some theory,to observe things,to thoroughly understand some theory,to grasp its essential meaning,and ot express themselves concisely,correctly,and accurately 。
They get practice in paraphrasing,the choice of words and sentence making 。In this way,the students have manifold exposures to the language and as a result,make much progress not only in writing but also in assimilating others' ideas and organizing their own 。
At present,some students of the foreign language specialities are not strong enough in analysing and solving problems 。They can neither well grasp the essential points of classroom lectures nor make full notes 。
The summary writing practice would be a timely remedy for their deficiencies 。A summary is a shortened passage which retains the essential information of the original 。
【课文summary怎么写】 It is an abstract,or a condensation 。It can also be called a precis,which is the French word for summary,when people are having in mind the actual writing drill done by the students 。
真不容易呀 。
2.新概念二75课summary怎么写Lesson 75 SOS
A plane crashed in the mountains,but the only passengers a young woman and her two baby daughters,were not hurt.It was midwinter and extremely cold,so the woman put the children in a case,covered them with clothes and kept close to them all night.When she heard planes early next morning,she stamped out SOS in the snow.This was seen by a pilot,who sent a radio message,and they were soon rescued by a helicopter. (80 words)
3.英语summary怎么写summary of this term summary of this termthe fisrt semester of the senior year will come to the end in one day time. how time flies. i remember that i was pretty curious about what the last year was like. to some extent, i did expect something different to come to my life coz i wanted new experience in the final period. in fact, it turned out to be much different indeed, not just myself but for the whole staff in the class. lads were obsessed with preparing their resume for the job-interview after the national day, whatever it was on-line or fact-to face. i think that's the life of most of seniors except the ones who are gonna take the national graduate test and the ones who go abroad, like me. although this is not my time to go hunt a job, but i really want to exprience the life that a senior leads. therefore, i did spend a great amount of time on it and the cover letter and i did go to the job-fair even only for once, and i also went for several interviews. however, i couldnt sense the pressure coming from job-hunting. but i will next year. hehe. and i also did my first part-time job in Canton Fair. Great Experience. afterwards, i did my internship in a foreign trade company. one thing i should mention here, all of us spent little on the study. hehe, only half of the people attended the class on average.it seems all of us havee diverted the energy to the outside world. but that's natrual. who cares about the class , the score. finding a good job is the urgence. but, i wanted to go to the class for a short period coz i thought i'll never have such chance in china. so i did attend each class in those days. well, it's a little bit long. but it was what i did during the last few months , fulfilling and meaningful. tomorrow is the end of this term, it's also the scratch line for the next phase of my life. GO GO GO ! 。
4.新概念3的第4课Summary writing怎么写这课的要求是:In not more than 80 words describe how Alfred Bloggs prevented his wife from finding out that he worked as a dustman. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.(用不超过80个单词描述Alfred 是如何不让他妻子知道他是个清洁工的事实 。不包括课文最后一段未提到的内容 。)