八年级英语作文怎么写( 二 )

6.八年级上册英语作文 怎么写after reading the report, i find many of our team members help their parent do these houseworks: washing dishes, cleaning floor, and drying clothes. I think it is very necessary to do some houseworks in our power. One reason is that our parents usuallly get very tired after one day's work, so, we should help our parents do some houseworks to make them free and easy;another reason is that someday we must be independent, we can't always rely on our parents, learning to do housework is useful. 在看完调查报告之后 , 我发现我们很多组员都帮父母做这些家务:洗碗 , 扫地和晒衣服 。我认为在自己力所能及的范围内做一些家务事很有必要的 。一个原因是 , 在一天的工作之后 , 我们父母通常都会很累了 , 所以 , 我们应该帮父母做些家务 , 让他们轻松一点;另一个原因是 , 总有一天我们会独立的 , 不能总是依靠父母 , 所以学会做家务对我们的未来是很有用的~
7.人教版八年级英语作文第2题Susan:Which do you like better, countryside or city?Wang Li:I like countryside better.because I can breathe in fresh airIt is good for our health.Susan:but I think city is better than countryside. because there are lots of buses in city .If we want to a far places ,bus can take us to arrive there quicklyWang Li:but lots of buses can causes air pollution.never what you say. I perfer countryside to city第3题 On holidays .after I finished my homework.I took bus to have a trip with my friends .afer a while.we arrived our destination.we started to climb mountain.we saw a beautiful natural scenery in the mountain .there were lots of beautiful wildflowers .when we stood at the top of mountain.we felt a sense of achivement.there were lots of tourists.I saw a smiling on their face.some of them took photos.some of them song sang. we did some funny things .such as we had a Picnic and took photos.during the holidays.we had a good time 。
8.与八年级上册有关的英语作文12篇We did a survey of our classmates and this is what we learned. The best radio station is Easy Listening 97.9 FM, because it plays the most interesting music. The best supermarket is Jason's, because it has the best quality. As for theaters, the best one is People's Theater, because it has the most comfortable seats. The worst radio station is Oldies 102.1 FM, because it plays the loudest music. The worst movie theater is Town Cinema, because it has the most unfriendly service.Dear Bill, How are you? Today I want to tell you about my English study. I'm interested in English because it's my favorite subject. I'm working hard at it now. You know, I practise listening, speaking, reading and writing everyday. But my spoken English is not so good. So I keep on practising all the time. I remembered over 1,000 English words. In the evening, I watch English videos. I try to talk in English with my classmates or my English teacher. I still have some problems. I can't make sentences with new words. Would you please give me some help? Best wishes! Yours Li LeiGrandpa Li is over seventy years old, and he has no sons or daughters. He wanted to invite some old men to his house for supper. However, he needed some help. After Mingming knew it, he asked his classmates to Grandpa Li's house. And then they helped him to make his bed, do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash and so on. In a word, they helped him with chores. Grandpa Li was very thankful and asked them to have supper with them. They didn't agree with him, but thanked him. Then they left.My friend's name is Wang Hua. She is a schoolgirl. She was born in April, 1988. There are three people in her family. Her father is a doctor and her mother is an English teacher. She studies Chinese, math, English, music, history and some other subjects at school. She likes computer very much and she is good at it. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, collecting stamps and listening to popular songs. 。