如胶似漆的英文怎么写( 二 )

4.如胶似漆是比喻成语还是女人成语如胶似漆rú jiāo sì qī【注释】象胶和漆那样黏结 。
形容感情炽烈,难舍难分 。多指夫妻恩爱 。
【出处】《史记·鲁仲连邹阳列传》:“感于心,合于行,亲于胶漆,昆弟不能离,岂惑于众口哉 。”《古诗十九首·孟冬寒气至》:“以胶投漆中,谁能别离此 。”
【举例】那张三和这婆惜,~ 。(明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第二十回)【近义词】亲密无间、情投意合【反义词】反目成仇、分道扬镳【歇后语】【谜语】【用法】联合式;作谓语、状语、补语;形容关系极为密切【英文翻译】be deeply attached to each other【历史故事】西汉时期,邹阳与枚乘因吴王刘濞不听他们的劝阻,就投靠梁孝王刘武 。
刘武的大臣公孙诡因为嫉妒他们的才能,就诬陷邹阳,迫使刘武抓邹阳 。邹阳在狱中给刘武写了一封信,其中有“感于心,合于行,亲如胶漆 。”
刘武深受感动释放了他 。
5.急求英文翻译The story began like this, two people that came from different areas was in the same high school class, because they were both away from their hometown, they felt alone and missed home,so they started to comfort and talk with each other,slowly,they founded love's flames 。
But love's journey is long,and not always straight forward 。Because they always stuck together,only thought about love 。Their marks gone down,and they have to separate 。
J:Hello!Where are you from?Why are you alone?
Z:Oh hi,I came from HeNan,I miss home,Where are you from?
J:I am from HeiLongJiang,I miss home too 。But I won't get upset about it,today's weather is nice,want to go for a walk?
J:Are you satisfied today?
Z:Yes, so tired, I have to go, bye!
J:Let's go to the park today?
Z:But there's classes,there's attendance 。
J:No problem,just get someone else to answer 。
Teacher:What happened,you failed 3 subjects.
Z's sister:I already told you to study,but what did you do,our parents passed away early,I finally made you grow up 。Thinking you will be someone 。But you failed me 。
Jiang bowed his head,deeply regretting what he did 。
J: 蒋 Z: 张
很开心帮到你 。
6.Stuck Like Glue的歌词中英对译MMMM better 。
嗯,好些了 。嗯,好些了 。
Absolutely no one that knows me better 毫无疑问,没人比你更了解我No one that can make me feel sooo goooood 没人让我感觉如此美妙How did we stay so long together? 我们在一起这么久了,你感觉如何?When everybody, everybody said we never would 当所有人都说我们之间不可能时,And just when I, I start to think they're right 就在我开始以为他们说得没错时,That love has died 。我们的爱已经荡然无存了 。
There you go making my heart beat again, 在梦中,你的爱让我的心重新跳动,heart beat again, 重新跳动heart beat again 重新跳动There you go making me feel like a kid 在梦中,你让我感觉自己像一个孩子Won't you do it and do it one time? 你不想再爱我一次吗?There you go pulling me right back in, 在梦中,你让我回到了属于自己的位置,right back in, 自己的位置right back in 自己的位置And i know-oo I'm never letting this go-ooo 我很清楚我是从来不会让机会溜走的I'm stuck on you 我像着了魔似的爱上了你Whutooo whutooo 喔哦喔哦Stuck like glue 如胶似漆You and me baby we're stuck like glue 我们爱得如胶似漆Whutooo whutooo 喔哦喔哦Stuck like glue 如胶似漆You and me baby we're stuck like glue 我们爱得如胶似漆Some days I don't feel like trying 有时候,我不想尝试Some days you know I wanna just give up 有时候,你知道我只想放弃When it doesn't matter who's right, fight about it all night 为了争个谁对谁错而整夜不得安宁,这并不重要Had enough我们吵的次数够多了You give me that look 你故作可怜地看着我"I'm sorry baby let's make up" 对不起宝贝,让我们握手言欢吧You do that thing that makes me laugh 你逗得我哄堂大笑And just like that 。跟那个如出一辙There you go making my heart beat again, 在梦中,你的爱让我的心重新跳动,heart beat again, 重新跳动heart beat again 重新跳动There you go making me feel like a kid 在梦中,你让我感觉自己像一个孩子Won't you do it and do it one time 你不想再爱我一次吗?There you go pulling me right back in, 在梦中,你让我回到了属于自己的位置,right back in, 自己的位置right back in 自己的位置And i know-oo I'm never letting this go-ooo 我很清楚我是从来不会让机会溜走的I'm stuck on you 我像着了魔似的爱上了你Whutooo whutooo 喔哦喔哦Stuck like glue 如胶似漆You and me baby we're stuck like glue 我们爱得如胶似漆Whutooo whutooo 喔哦喔哦Stuck like glue 如胶似漆You and me baby were stuck like glue 我们爱得如胶似漆Whutooo Whutoo 喔哦喔哦You almost stay out, too stuck together from the ATL 你几乎要离家出走,老是去亚特兰大机场Whutooo Whutoo 喔哦喔哦Feeling kinda sick? 感到厌倦了吗?Just a spoon full of sugar make it better real quick 只要一勺蜜糖,就能火速让心情由阴转晴I say 我说Whutooo Whutoo 喔哦喔哦Whatcha gonna do with that? 你说对此该做些什么呢?Whutooo Whutoo 喔哦喔哦Come on over here with that 带着甜蜜过来Sugar sticky sweet stuff 像糖一样甜腻的珍宝Come on give me that stuff 带着那样宝贝过来Everybody wants some 每个人都想要一些melodies that get stuck up in your head 让你大脑着迷的旋律whutooo whutooo 喔哦喔哦Up in your head 就在你大脑中whutooo whutooo 喔哦喔哦Up in your head 就在你大脑中whutooo whutooo 喔哦喔哦Up in your head 就在你大脑中whutooo whutooo 喔哦喔哦whuthoo whutooo 喔哦喔哦Stuck like glue 如胶似漆You and me together, say, it's all I wanna do 破镜重圆是我想说的一切I said 我说There you go making my heart beat again, 在梦中,你的爱让我的心重新跳动,heart beat again, 重新跳动heart beat again 重新跳动There you go making me feel like a kid 在梦中,你让我觉得自己像个孩子Won't you do it and do it one time 你不想再爱我一次吗?There you go pulling me right back in, 在梦中,你让我回到了属于自己的位置,right back in, 自己的位置right back in 自己的位置And i know-oo I'm never letting this go-ooo 我很清楚我是从来不会让机会溜走的There you go making my heart beat again, 在梦中,你的爱让我的心重新跳动,heart beat again, 重新跳动heart beat again 重新跳动There you go making me feel like a kid 在梦中,你让我觉得自己像个孩子Won't you do it and do it one time 你不想再爱我一次吗?There you go pulling me right back in, 在梦中,你让我回到了属于自己的位置,right back in, 自己的位置right back in 自己的位置And i know-oo I'm never letting this go-ooo 我很清楚我是从来不会让机会溜走的I'm stuck on you 我像着了魔似的爱上了你Whutooo whutooo 喔哦喔哦Stuck like glue 如胶似漆You and me baby we're stuck like glue 我们爱得如胶似漆Whutooo whutooo 喔哦喔哦Stuck like glue 如胶似漆You and me baby were stuck like glue 我们爱得如胶似漆Whutooo whutooo 喔哦喔哦 。