
1、six thirty
2、half past six
six thirty
1、Traffic was already very congested by six thirty this morning, particularly on the M1 northbound.
今早6点30分时道路已经拥塞严重,尤其是M1号高速公路北行方向 。
2、His plane lands at six thirty, god willing.
如果一切顺利的话,他乘坐的飞机将于6:30降落 。
3、We're late. Robbie's cooking tonight, and dinner's at six thirty.
我们迟了.今晚Robbie做饭晚餐六点半开始 。
4、I usually get up at about six thirty every morning.
每天早上我通常六点半左右起床 。
5、On Saturday morning I got up at six thirty and went to school with a bucket.
上星期六(第二天)早上六点半我就起床了 。
half past six
1、He woke up at half past six this morning.
他今天早上六点半就醒来了 。
2、I have breakfast at half past six every day.
我每天六点半吃早饭 。
3、It reached half past six in the evening.
到了晚上快六点半了,一切进展顺利 。
4、We waited till half past six for you.
我们等你等到六点半 。
5、I usually get up at six in the morning, but sometimes I get up at half past six.
我通常在早上六点钟起床,但有时候在六点半起床 。
一种是six thirty;
另一种是half past six。
six thirty
1、Traffic was already very congested by six thirty this morning, particularly on the M1 northbound.
今早6点30分时道路已经拥塞严重,尤其是M1号高速公路北行方向 。
2、His plane lands at six thirty, god willing.
如果一切顺利的话,他乘坐的飞机将于6:30降落 。
3、We're late. Robbie's cooking tonight, and dinner's at six thirty.
我们迟了.今晚Robbie做饭晚餐六点半开始 。
half past six
1、He woke up at half past six this morning.
他今天早上六点半就醒来了 。
2、I have breakfast at half past six every day.
我每天六点半吃早饭 。
3、It reached half past six in the evening.
到了晚上快六点半了,一切进展顺利 。
4.With our parents' permission, my date and I “prommed” until 6:30 in the morning.
征得我们父母的同意后 我的约会对象和我“招摇”到早晨6:30 。
5.At about 6:30, he arrived with an influential business acquaintance who wanted to take us to dinner.
大约6:30分,他回来了,这时一位很有影响的、生意上的熟人想请我们共赴晚宴 。
6.Toyota will release a statement at 6:30 a.m. EST Monday followed by the distribution of a video, the company said in a media advisory.
丰田公司在一份媒体采访建议中说,它将在周一美国东部时间上午6:30公布一份声明,然后发放一段视频 。
3.6点30的英文怎么写6 点30的英文表达方式一:half past six
6 点30的英文表达方式二:six thirty
half past six 六点半
at around half past six 大约在六点半
I get up at half past six 我六点半起床
at half past six 在六点半
It's just half past six 正好六点半
1、I always get of bed at half past six in the morning.
我总是早上六点半起床 。
2、The news was announced at half past six yesterday afternoon.
那条新闻昨天下午六时半就发布了 。
顺读法,也叫直接读法,先读"钟点数",再读"分钟数",见数读数,直接读出 。
7:20读作 seven twenty ;
8:45读作eight forty-five;