
1.英文申请推荐信的范文 急【请求写推荐信英文怎么说】你需要一份恳请专家为你写推荐信的信,还是需要一封专家的推荐信 。
如果你需要的是前者 (见下面范文1):Dear Prof. XXX,I am in the process of putting together an application package for a position at Chrome. One of the requirements for applying for this position is letters of recommendations from three fessors. Since I have taken two computor couses from you, I'm wondering if you would be willing to write a letter of recommendation focusing on my computer knowledge. For your information, I have also enclosed a copy of my current CV.Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.Yours sincerely,xxx 如果你需要的是后者(见下面范文) 2:March 1, 2012Re: Recommendation letter for Eric XuTo Whom This May Concern:I am very pleased to write this letter of support on behalf of Mr. Eric Xu for hisapplication to be a volunteer at your company/institution.I have known Eric for many years. I havebeen Eric's teacher at the Newton Chinese Language School (NCLS), and startingfrom last September, I had been supervising Eric as he began to serve as ateaching assistant at the NCLS. Both asa student and teaching assistant, Eric has demonstrated a great sense of curiosityfor learning, a high level of responsibility, and a high degree ofindependence.Mr.Xu is a truly exceptional individual in terms of his abilities, motivation, andcommunication skills. He has my strongestrecommendation for his application for the volunteer position at yourcompany/institution. If you have anyquestions, please feel free to contact me: (Tel) xxx/xxx-xxxx; (e-mail) [email protected],Xxx DeanNew York Chinese Language School (NCLS) 。
2.英文申请推荐信的范文 急To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is my personal recommendation for Cathy Douglas. Until just recently, I have been Cathy's immediate supervisor for several years. I found her to be consistently pleasant, tackling all assignments with dedication and a smile.
Besides being a joy to work with, Cathy is a take-charge person who is able to present creative ideas and communicate the benefits. She has successfully developed several marketing plans for our company that have resulted in increased revenue. During her tenure, we saw an increase in profits that exceeded one million dollars. The new revenue was a direct result of the plans implemented by Cathy.
Though she was an asset to our marketing efforts, Cathy was also extraordinarily helpful in other areas of the company. In addition to writing effective training modules for sales representatives, Cathy assumed a leadership role in sales meetings, inspiring and motivating other employees.
I highly recommend Cathy for employment. She is a team player and would make a great asset to any organization.
Sharon Feeney Marketing Manager ABC Productions
3.“推荐信”英文要怎么说最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:islandlal123 英文推荐信模板:Dear______,①Itismygreatpleasuretorecommend ______(要推荐的人)toyou.②Duringhis/hergraduateyearshe/shewasmy______.③Ashis/her______Ifoundhim/her______(介绍与此人的关系) 。
④His/Herperformanceintheschoolyearswasoutstanding.⑤First,he/shehadbeenandshowedgreattalentsin______.⑥Inaddition,he/shehasaverypleasantpersonality.⑦Hehasdevelopedastrongsenseof______,andworkingwithhim/herisalways_______.⑧Icanstatethathe/shehasallthequalitiesofbeing______.(介绍此人的能力)⑨Therefore,Ihererecommendhim/hertoyouwithallmyheart.⑩Shouldyoufavorhim/herwithapositioninyourcompany/Shouldyouaccepthim/herinyouruniversity?Iamsurethathis/herfutureconduct/academicworkwillproveworthyofyourconfidence.Ilookforwardtohearingfromyouattheearliestpossiblemoment.Yourssincerely,WangLin Para1:写信目的 推荐1.I am writing to recommend to you… 2.I would like to recommend to you… 3.It is a great honor for me to recommend to you… Para2全面介绍 1. He majors in computer software. 2. He has been given the title of the “excellent 。