
1. sweet
adj. 甜的 ,  愉快的 , 快乐的;温柔的 , 亲切的抄;芳香的;
n. 甜味;糖果 , 甜食;餐后的甜点心;袭 宝贝;bai
[例句du]If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar.
如果酱汁太甜的话 , 可以加少许红酒醋 。
2. honey
n. 蜂蜜; <;口>;宝贝; 可爱的zhi人;
adj. 蜜的; 心爱的; 加了蜜的; 甘美的;
vt. 给…加蜜; 对…甜言蜜语;
[例句]Honey, I don't really think that's a good idea.
亲爱的 , 我不认为那是个好主意 。
3. treacle
n. 糖浆 , 糖蜜;餐糖浆;
[例句]We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious
我们觉得英国糖蜜布丁太好吃了 , 令人dao无法抗拒 , 的确非常美味 。
2.“甜蜜”的英文怎么写甜蜜的英文:sweet 。
1、Love is a sweet torment.
【甜的的英文单词怎么写】爱情是甜蜜的折磨 。
2、The moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains.
吃下月饼 , 留下甜蜜 。
3、A sweet temper is a figurative expression, but sweet coffee is not.
甜蜜的性情是个比喻的说法 , 而甜咖啡则不是 。
4、Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endures his torment willingly.
爱情是甜蜜的虐政 , 情人心甘情愿地受它的折磨 。
5、Gaze down with selfish lives and sweet.
俯瞰着 , 带着自私的生命和甜蜜 。
1、I could smell the honeyed ripeness of melons and peaches.
我能闻到瓜桃熟透了的香甜味道 。
2、They could not understand how anyone could believe her honeyed words.
他们无法理解怎么会有人相信她的甜言蜜语 。
3、Their honeyed words are nothing but enticements.
他们的甜言蜜语不过是引鱼上钩的诱饵罢了 。
3.甜蜜的英文怎么写甜蜜的英文有: sweet adj. 甜的 ,  愉快的 , 快乐的;温柔的 , 亲切的抄;芳香的; n. 甜味;糖果 , 甜食;餐后的甜点心;袭 宝贝;bai[例句du]If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar.如果酱汁太甜的话 , 可以加少许红酒醋 。
honey n. 蜂蜜; <口>宝贝; 可爱的zhi人; adj. 蜜的; 心爱的; 加了蜜的; 甘美的; vt. 给…加蜜; 对…甜言蜜语; [例句]Honey, I don't really think that's a good idea.亲爱的 , 我不认为那是个好主意 。treacle n. 糖浆 , 糖蜜;餐糖浆; [例句]We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious我们觉得英国糖蜜布丁太好吃了 , 令人dao无法抗拒 , 的确非常美味 。
4.“甜蜜”的英文怎么写甜蜜的英文有: sweet adj. 甜的 ,  愉快的 , 快乐的;温柔的 , 亲切的;芳香的; n. 甜味;糖果 , 甜食;餐后的甜点心; 宝贝; [例句]If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar. 如果酱汁太甜的话 , 可以加少许红酒醋 。
honey n. 蜂蜜; <口>宝贝; 可爱的人; adj. 蜜的; 心爱的; 加了蜜的; 甘美的; vt. 给…加蜜; 对…甜言蜜语; [例句]Honey, I don't really think that's a good idea. 亲爱的 , 我不认为那是个好主意 。treacle n. 糖浆 , 糖蜜;餐糖浆; [例句]We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious 我们觉得英国糖蜜布丁太好吃了 , 令人无法抗拒 , 的确非常美味 。