
1.直接写英语Dear Jason:
I am so sorry to hear that you have diagnosed with obesity. I truely understand you are very upset and depressed. Being fatter and fatter each day is totally a nightmare. I could not doing anything to lessen your weight, but I be believe this must be a way to cure your disease. Just hold on and follow the advice from your doctor. Do take the medication on time! Please do remember being 'fat' is not a sin, you don't have to feel ashamed!
Best regards
2.1到100的英语怎么说1 - one
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1)Li Xiaohong ( 这种一般写给中国人或会中文的人看,因为中国人习惯姓在前,名在后,你这样写的话,读出来时他也才容易明白)
2)Xiaohong Li (这个比较正式,国际上的正式场合用这种比较好,而且这个多是写给外国人看的,因为英语国家的外国人习惯姓在前,名在后)
如果你的英文名是取外国名字,则只需记住前后顺序是“ 名字+ 姓” 就行了
希望对你能有所帮助 。
4.用英语翻译这个你完全可以自己翻译 。觉得你是在写作文的时候写出中文然后再翻译成英文……如果有的话你最好改掉这个坏习惯,除非你对自己的词汇量和语法知识很有信心,不过看起来不是……本人认为英文作文都应该是英语直接写下来的……
翻译:internationally,english is an important language.but my english is not very well.i used to think that english is very hard to learn well,but my english ability has improved a lot by reading,wrting,speaking and listening.i think words is most important.we must know the majority of the words' meaning so that we can understand the meaning of the sentences in books and newspapers.and i think we should often speak and listen the english.if we have leisure,we can also chat with others in englsh.in short,we should use english frequently.and we should also cultivate the interests in english learning.i believe that as long as we master the good ways to learn english it's very easy to learn english well.
有的错误观点我提出一下,知道大部分单词才能阅读书和报……一必须是英文书,第二不需要知道那么多单词,英语单词最起码10万以上,大部分就6 7 万吧,那什么水平……八级都过了……单词量少的也可以看啊,只不过不一定能看懂……
单词不是更重要而是最重要依据你文中的观点来看…… 还有语法 词组 听力 阅读什么乱七八糟的
细节问题我直接在翻译中改过来了 翻译仅供参考 待会发现错误我会改过来的
5."有"的英语怎么写一、"有"的英语是have,音标英 [h?v]、美 [h?v] 。
He currently claims over 16,000 companies
have already reserved a spot on his body.
最近他表示已经有1.6万家公司在他身上预订了广告位 。