
1.英语文学评论怎么写写critical essay是有固定的格式 , 特别是第一段和最后一段 , 分析中也需要quote原文 , 如果楼主从来没写过 , 会相当棘手.
我找到了份我上高中时的材料 , 希望对楼主有所帮助.
【英语文章评论怎么写】Itroduction: the introduction of a critical response essay follows a"funnel" form. the first sentence is a general introduction to your essay. it may identify the literature you will be discussing and general theme of the material. the last sentence is your THESIS STATEMENT (main idea/main point you wish to prove/you decision about the essay topic/literary devices to be discussed/etc.)for your essay.
Body paragraphs: Each paragraph of your essay will support different parts of your thesis statement - the different points you wish to make in your essay. the beginning of each body paragraph requires a TOPIC SENTENCE that (1)introduces the main idea of the paragraph, (2)connects back to the thesis statement(because each paragraph supports and develops an idea from the thesis statement),and (3) connects the paragraph with the paragraph just before it. make sure that the idea you communicate in each sentence connects to the idea of the previous sentence.DONT JUMP AROUND WITH UNCONNECTED IDEAS.
Conclusion: the conclusion of your essay is written in a "reverse funnel" the opposite to your introduction. the first sentence of the conclusion specifically summarizes your THESIS STATEMENT but it must also connect to your last paragraph so remember to use transitions. the conclusion then moves from the specific to the general, ending with a broad statement about the literature and/or its theme.
不知道这样帮不帮的到一点点 , 英国女校入学很难的 , 祝楼主好运!
-ies plural
a spoken description of an event that is given while it is happening, especially on the radio or television (尤指电台或电视台所作的)实况报道 , 现场解说 countable uncountable ~ (on sth)
a sports commentary 体育实况报道
Our reporters will give a running commentary(= a continuous one)on the election results as they are announced. 我们的采访人员将对选举的公布结果作实况追踪报道 。
He kept up a running commentary on everyone who came in or went out. 他不断地对上下场的每一位队员进行解说 。
a written explanation or discussion of something such as a book or a play 注释;解释;评注;评论 countable ~ (on sth)
a critical commentary on the final speech of the play 对这剧本结尾的台词所作的批评性评论
a criticism or discussion of something 批评;议论 countable uncountable ~ (on sth)
3.“评论” 英语怎么写Review:
1. A report or an essay giving a critical estimate of a work or performance.
2. A periodical devoted to articles and essays on current affairs, literature, or art.
纽约书评 (New York Review of Books)
纽约大学法学评论 (NYU Law Review)
税法评论(Tax Law Review)
诊所法律评论(Clinical Law Review)
东欧宪法评论(East European Constitutional Review)
国际宪法杂志(International Journal of Constitutional Law)
英国艺术杂志 (Art Review)
4.英语书评怎么写 At present, more and more Chinese are observing Christmas. However, different people have different ideas towards this phenomenon. Some are in favor of it, saying that since China is more and more mixed with the world, we should do whatever peple from most other countries do.What's more, many shopping centres are making the most use of this channce for their own purpose. Many youngsters think it cool to send or receive a Christmas gift. On the other hand, there are also a lot of people against this idea. They insist that Christmas is too foreign a festival for us to celebrate. They would rather observe the Chinese traditional ones such as the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. As far as I am concerned, we Chinese should pay more attention to our national tradition. At the same time, we should do something to intoduce our own culture to the world. This, too, is a good way of melting into the world. 解析英语的书评: 评价是语言的一种重要功能 , 是语篇人际意义的重要组成部分.文章运用评价理论框架 , 对英语书评中的评价从评价系统的三个次系统 , 即态度、介入与级差三方面进行分析 , 以探讨评价在书评中的运用. 请记住 , 你的目标不只是完成书评的写作 , 而且要给评论本身加上一个难忘的结尾 , 使它成为一篇一流的报刊文章 。