
1. piece rate
2. incentive wage
3. piecework wage
4. productivity wages
5. efficiency wage
6. piece rate wage plan
Do you use piece rates or an hour wage?
Work paid according to the amount done puts a premium on speed and not on quality.
计件工资使工人重视速度而忽视了质量 。
The union won the concession over tea breaks and the management got its way about piecework rates, so the meeting was judged to be a drawn game.
工会赢得了有喝茶休息的时间,而资方达到了计件工资的目的,因此该会议被认为是一场不分胜负的比赛 。
英文翻译:net payroll
The firm's payroll has one field for gross pay and one for net payroll.
工资单上一部分是原工资额,一部分是实发工资额 。
英['pe?r??l] 美['pe?ro?l]
n. 工资名单; 工资总支出,工薪总额;
[例句]They had 87,000 employees on the payroll.
他们在编员工有87,000名 。
[其他] 复数:payrolls
3.收入证明英文翻译Statement of Employment and Income
This is to certify that Mr.XXX has been employed by XXX(公司) from 某月 某年to present and the period of his contract is ten year. At present he works as XXX(职务).
The detail of XXX's income are listed as follow(Unit: RMB/Yuan):
Monthly Salary XXX.
Annual Salary XXX
Annual Bonus XXX
Total Annual Income XXX
The personal income tax is deducted by this unit on his behalf.
This is to certify the authenticity of all listed above.
Certifier (signature):
RiYueXing Construction Design&Decoration(FuJian) Co.Ltd
我没看懂你工作期限是十年那句话,你是想说已经在这儿工作了十年,还是说还没到十年,但合同签了十年?如果是已经工作了十年,那既然写了从哪年开始在这儿工作,就没必要写这句了,如果合同签了十年,我再寻思寻思哈~(十年,卖身契呀⊙﹏⊙b) 。
年薪那个没问题的 。
(salary指公职人员、职员等拿按年、按月或按周计算的“年薪”、“月薪”或“周薪”; 工人等拿的“工资”叫做 wages,一般按日、按时或按件计算)

