
1.我爱祖国英语作文Everyone has a lot of friends and he must have his own friendship as well. But usually only when you get into trouble, will you know what the true friendship is. The friend in need is the friend in deed. Only the real friends will help you when you are in trouble. If you establish your friendship when you are in trouble, make it go on forever. Maybe a boy and a girl become good friends. They feel very happy when they are each other, but other students may think that they have fallen in love. If you were one of them, what would you do? If I were in that position, I would not care about what anyone else may say. I only care about her feeling. We should know that our friendship is pure without anything bad mixed. Friendship is very important for everyone, so I will let my friendship last forever. Everyone should know that he can not lose his opposite sex friends. If you do not make friends with your opposite sex classmates, then you have already lost half of the friends. So you can make friends with all your classmates, and don't be shy. You should also pay enough attention to the friendship that you have already established. Don't undermine it unless you want to hurt him. You should never try to do so, for if you do that you will lose much in emotion. Please cherish everything that you have already possessed. Maybe you don't care about it now. But when you lose it, you will find that how important it is. 。
2.【我爱祖国】英语作文,要包括中文哦【爱祖国用英语怎么写】我爱我的祖国,就像我爱我的母亲,我的热血正旺,我要用实际行动来报答母亲,同样,也要报答喂我乳汁的祖国,伟大的祖国 。
每当国旗高高的升起,我心中一片汹涌澎湃,雄壮的国歌声中有力的音符告诉我肩负了中华民族伟大复兴的光荣历史任务 。我心存感激,能够生活在物质文明如此丰富的今天,老一代革命前辈以鲜血换来了我们今天无比优越的生活,因此我更具有紧迫感,我一定要努力学习,以旺盛的精力投入学习当中,不怕苦,认真刻苦,坚苦扎实 。
我们是祖国的花朵,新一代领导人就像太阳一样照耀我们的成长,我心寸感激,我要报效祖国 。我要去到遥远的边疆,认真的守卫着我们的国门,我要成为一位科学家,把火箭造得飞得老高,我要成为一个工人,为祖国献上一钉一铁,我要成为一位军事家,指挥着我军把帝国主义的侵略打到夹着尾巴逃跑了 。
啊,我爱你,我的祖国 。我爱祖国作文在世界的东方,有一个文明的国家,她美丽而宽广;在世界的东方,有一个伟大的民族,她勤劳而坚强,她就是我的祖国—中国 。
祖国,我爱你!你就像我亲爱的妈妈,我在你温暖的怀里健康快乐的成长;你就像一个大花园,我是里面的小小花朵,幸福的开放 。我爱我的祖国 。
我的祖国,是农民伯伯播种庄稼、栽种果树的九百六十万平方公里的大地;是爸爸挖山填河、修桥铺路的大型机械;是妈妈用电脑仔细绘制的美丽图画;是邻居叔叔、婶婶修建一幢一幢大楼天天升高的脚手架…… 我爱你,祖国!春天,你用水彩笔把自己打扮得五颜六色;夏天,你送给了孩子们甜甜的水果;秋天,你换上了金黄金黄的新衣服;冬天,你带给了我们一个雪白雪白的童话世界 。记得上幼儿园大班时,爷爷奶奶戴着老花镜,给我讲了您很多的美丽传说:盘古开天地、后翌射日、八仙过海、牛郎织女……爸爸妈妈给我讲了很多关于您悠久的历史,从那时起我就爱上了您的上下五千年,四大发明、唐诗宋词、名胜古迹 。
小时候,我和爸爸妈妈去过北京、南京、桂林等很多地方,从此我就爱上了你的大好河山,长江、长城、黄山、黄河…… 我爱我的祖国,她有着和外国不同的精神,这里的一切都是那么的美好,我要是画家,我就用五颜六色的画笔,描绘出我们的祖国,但是我只是一个学生,一个普普通通的小学生,我只能用简单的语言来描写我的祖国 。2008年的5月,你让世界人民看到了你的坚强和勇敢!还有,伟大的祖国成功举办了奥运会,我们获得了全世界最多的金牌;神州七号胜利发射了,翟志钢叔叔在太空第一次举起了五星红旗,这一切向世界昭示:我的祖国正在飞速发展! 听爸爸说今年是我们祖国60岁生日,在10月1日那天,我会在电视上看到很多和爸爸一样穿着军装的叔叔,他们是去给祖国过生日的,他们将给祖国送去很多很多的生日礼物!我能送给祖国什么生日礼物呢?一幅画,一支歌 。