
1.书包用英文怎么写书包的英文是schoolbag 。
音标:英 ['sku?lb?ɡ] 美 [?skul?b?ɡ]
schoolbag magazine 笔记本
My Schoolbag 我的书包
Schoolbag Rack 书包架
schoolbag load 书包负荷
1、The pupil tossed his schoolbag into the air.
小学生把书包扔向空中 。
2、Steve took my schoolbag and put it in a tree.
斯蒂文拿走我的书包放在了一棵树上 。
3、Mom, could you buy me a new green leather schoolbag?
4、She asked me where I lived, put the pails down in the entryway, and took home and walking beside me holding my schoolbag in one hand and my arm in the other.
她问我家住在哪里,把水桶在入口通道上一放就要送我回家,她走在我一侧,一手拿着我的书包,一手搀扶着我 。
5、That large green leather schoolbag is really cool.
2.英语作文《我有一个神奇的书包》I have a magic bag, it has three buttons on it. The first button is yellow, and it can remember my fingerprints. So that other people would not have to turn my bag. The second button is red. It can automatically open the bag. The third button is green, it can automatically close the bag.On the right side of the bag, there are a number of sub categories of buttons, there are textbooks, exercise books, exercise books and stationery and class. There are Chinese books, math books, English books, music books, art books and so on. Homework this, practice the class that there are Chinese homework, math homework, Chinese exercise books, math exercise books, etc.. Stationery and class in the class that there is a pencil box, watercolor pen, rope skipping, etc.. On the left side of the bag there is an exit, you want to take what on the button, the outlet will appear what you want.In addition, my bag is waterproof, automatic cleaning and other functions, such as a semester in the past will be automatically cleaned once again.Open the bag, there is a thick card, the card is written on the year, month, day, week and curriculum. When I have no homework to do, it can tell me with a sweet note that I should write my homework. After I packed my bag, it told me that I didn't bring anything. Moreover, I do not understand the classroom or very difficult questions it can be printed out, give me the answer class. I can take it to play video games in class.My classmates, do you say that my bag stick is not good?我有一个神奇的书包,它的上面有三个按钮 。
第一个按钮是黄色的,它可以记住我的指纹 。这样别人就不会乱翻我的书包了 。
第二个按钮是红色的,它可以自动把书包打开 。第三个按钮是绿色的,它可以自动把书包关上 。
书包的右侧有一些分了类的按钮,有课本类、作业本、练习本类和文具及课外用品类 。课本类那一排里有语文书、数学书、英语书、音乐书、美术书等按钮 。
作业本、练习本类那一排里有语文作业本、数学作业本、语文练习本、数学练习本等按钮 。文具及课外用品类那一排里有铅笔盒、水彩笔、跳绳等按钮 。
书包的左侧有一个出口,你想拿什么就按什么的按钮,那个出口便会出现你想要的东西 。另外,我的书包还有防水、自动清洗等功能,等一学期过去了就会马上自动清洗一遍 。
打开书包,里面有一个厚厚的卡片,卡片上写着年、月、日、星期及课程表 。在我放学没写作业的情况下它可以用悦耳的音符告诉我该写作业了 。
我在收拾书包后它可以告诉我没带什么东西 。而且,我课堂不明白或很难的题它可以打印出来,课下给我解答 。
在课下我还可以拿它来玩电子游戏 。同学们,你们说我的书包棒不棒? 。