
1.如图 866,732,371,013 用英语怎么表示 看不懂解释 麻烦各位网友帮忙英文表示数字的时候分两级 , 第一级是每三位用一个单词来表示(所以从右往左每三位打个逗号) , 就是thousand(千) , million(百万)和billion(十亿) 所以你说的那个大数就成了: 866billion,732million,371thousand,013 然后 , 1000以内的是第二级缉哗光狙叱缴癸斜含铆 , 用的是百十个位 所以原题就是: eight hundred and sixty-six Billion, seven hundred and thirty-two Million, three hundred and seventy-one Thousand, and thirteen. 。
2.谁给我写篇英语作文It is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful sceneries typical of the region. Besides, you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. Finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people. Today people are so fond of travelling that tourism has become one of the faster growing industries in most countries. The main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. For example, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a widened trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation. For another example, spending an annual holiday travelling abroad is an especially satisfying experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands. When people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder. Travelling is also one of the best means for learning. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an accurate picture of it until you see it for yourself. Seeing is believing. Furthermore, if you area careful observer, you can learn much during your travel about the geography, biology, and history of the places you visit. No matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through travelling. The knowledge acquired from travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book. 本文来自: 恒星英语() 详细出处参考: 暑假的一天 , 我们来到风景秀丽的庐山游玩.要上庐山 , 首先得要"爬"上庐山.导游正在车内说得滔滔不绝 , 可我早就没心思去听了.我望着高耸入云的盘山公路 , 不知不觉已身在云雾中.我的头开始 了起来.面对蜿蜒曲折的道路 , 我头昏脑涨 , 不禁想到毛主席的一首描写庐山的盘山公路的诗:欲上葱茏四百旋 , 吹雨热风吹雨撒江天.四百旋 , 也就是四百个弯!其实只有396个 , 可也够我受的了. 一上庐山 , 迎面而来的清风把一路上的疲劳一扫而空.坐在大客里竟一点也没闷热的感觉.导游在车上好像若无其事一般 , 讲述着庐山的故事.讲到庐山三怪的时候 , 我竖耳一听: 庐山有三怪 , 一怪是屋顶铁皮盖 , 二怪是汽车开飞快 , 三怪是导游满山带 , 另外是这儿的庐山大剧院天天放庐山恋 , 都破吉尼斯记录!后面的我也没听清楚 , 因为我们进了山 , 正在观赏庐山的云雾呢! 庐山雾 , 时聚时散 , 茫茫的雾海 , 就在山中 , 就在你的身旁.树上的小鸟 , 知了 , 也在不住地歌唱着.望着一望无际的云雾 , 你会霎时间感到一种心灵的净化.雾一阵阵 , 伴随着清凉的山风 , 来到你的身边 , 你好似在仙境一般 , 腾云驾雾地在庐山的清山绿水之间 , 在这里 , 云好像不是那么遥不可及了 , 好像你一伸手 , 就能抓到似的 , 依山傍水之间 , 伴随着云雾 , 游览庐山那是多么的享受啊! 时间过得真快 , 上午的行程已经结束了 , 我欣喜地等着下午的行程.此时 , 我真想大喊一声:"庐山美啊!" One on Lushan, oncoming breeze all the way to the fatigue dispelled. Sitting passenger in that did not even feel hot. Guides like as if nothing had happened in the car in general, about the story of the Lushan. Lushan mentioned three Strange, I ears: There are three strange Lushan, a metal roof cover is strange, the strange is the car fast, three tour guides Manshan blame is with the other is the Grand Theater here Lushan Lushan put love every day, have broken the Guinness Book of Records! I have not heard back clearly, as we entered the mountains, the clouds are Watch Lushan it! Lushan fog, when the bulk when the poly, the vast, in the mountains on your side. Tree of birds, cicada, but also not to sing with. Looking at the endless clouds, you will immediately feel a spiritual purification. Wushe waves, along with the cool mountain breeze, coming to your side, do you like in the fairy general, mood-elevating clearance in the Lushan Mountain between green water, where it seems not so distant cloud , as if a hand you can get like, between the water, along with the clouds, visit Lushan to enjoy it is how ah! How time flies, the morning of the trip is over, I am pleased to wait for the afternoon trip. At this point, I really wanted to shout out: "Lushan U.S. ah!" 。