
1.用过去式写一篇外出的 英语小作文 50字 急We don't know where the hospital was. And nobody took medicine with him.We all enjoyed ourselves at the top of the mountain. We asked him to have a rest by the side of the path.Someone took some medicine and let him have it. Luckily, one of us took some medicine for the trip. After a while he felt much better and we walked on. So we could walk on. 天气很冷还刮着风 。
一个女生想给她妈妈打电话,但山上没有信号 。幸亏有人带着药 。
【出门英语怎么写】我们让他在路边休息,给他吃了点儿药 。后来他喝了水. 去年冬天,我与朋友们去香山公园爬山,我们又继续爬山,但我们仍然相约在香山公园门口 。
我们向山顶进发 。男生爬得快,女生都追不上了 。
大家都非常愉快、兴奋 。开始的时候非常顺利;Press the sinus between thumb and index finger." After a while she felt OK,无法继续走了 。
怎么办?我们既不知道医院在哪里,也没有带药 。唯一能做的事是让她靠着树休息一会儿 。
就在那时,but something unexpected happened on the half way. One of my friends got a stomachache and couldn't move any longer. One girl tried to phone her mother with her mobile phone 。一位同学突然胃痛得难以前行,一个朋友说,感觉好多了 。
It was very cold and windy, but we still got together at the gate of Xiang Shan Park. Then my friends and I walked toward the top of the mountain 。在山顶我们都玩得很愉快. Some boys walked so fast that girls couldn'. There was only one thing to do that was to let her have a rest by a tree. Just then one of my friends said, ". How great the "doctor" Was;t keep up with them! We cheered. Everyone was happy and excited. Suddenly, there was something wrong with a girl. She got a bad stomachache and couldn't walk any more. What should we do, but there was no signal in the mountain area:“按着她拇指和食指中间的穴位” 。
过了一会儿I went to Xiang Shan Park to climb the hill with my friends last winter. It was a good trip at the beginning 。走到半山腰时,发生了一件意想不到的事情. Then he drank some water 。
突然一个女生胃痛得厉害 。
2.用英语写作文This morning, after the Break event, we are ready to English class. When the English teacher had been standing on the podium, some students and teachers greet Jingbu straight out of the door. As students, our main task is to learn what kinds of things also important than class? Allow them to use valuable class time to rush out the door and let the teachers know at least what happens in it. I think this is very inconsiderate. 。

