
1.童年的回忆 英文In a bright and sunny afternoon, I and small partners the yard, we run around, catch up, while playing hide and seek, dancing while playing the sun, while also playing skipping。
。"Hey, ah is coming here!" With that shrill childish gas from a sharp, we heard the voice of to place - 5 Building ran downstairs. The partnership to take us to the first floor and second floor, corner stairs, where there is a window similar to a small balcony where there is a window that wall color pots under the Ming-li, smelling fragrant chrysanthemum. Hill climb over several small partners to the top of the window to see what can be played, and some want to go somewhere else, such as other people. I would also like to climb to see, they immediately climb out, but I have taken every effort to climb it is not the past. I slowly down, only to hear a chrysanthemum pressure my foot was broken. Beating my heart pounded, thinking, I should apologize for gardening father-in-law of Wu, to be honest child. I was too nervous to the lack of recognition of the courage, so as soon as possible to forget things. We went downstairs and play for a while, I really wanted to allow time for the past quickly, I really wanted to let Wu father-in-law and his family do not see the breaking of the flower, but after all what happened. and his family down the stairs and asked partners: "You know who is breaking the flowers?" Partners refers to me as if by prior agreement. Then, his family made a speech and said: "Xu, The flower is dark every day, with sweat in return for hard to beautify the environment, you have wasted months of our efforts of my children! " I stood staring, she is remorseful and is ashamed of, I thought I made a mistake in the future to correct them, to be a child. 在一个风和日丽的下午,我和小伙伴们一起在院子里尽情地玩耍着,我们东奔西跑,你追我赶,一会儿玩捉迷藏,一会儿玩跳太阳,一会儿又玩跳绳…… “喂,快到这里来啊!”随着那尖声尖气的童声传来,我们疾步向声音传来的地方——5号楼楼下跑去 。
那个伙伴带我们到一楼和二楼楼梯转弯处,那里的窗外有个类似小阳台的地方,有窗的那面墙下有一盆盆色彩明丽,芳香扑鼻的菊花 。几个小伙伴山爬过窗到上面去看看可以玩什么,有些想去别的地方等其他人 。
我也想爬出去看看,便马上爬了出去,但我使出了浑身的力气也爬不过去 。我慢慢地下来了,只听见“啪”的一声,我低头一看,一枝菊花被我的脚压断了 。
我的心怦怦直跳,心想,我应该向种花的邬公公道歉,做个诚实的好孩子 。可当时我太紧张,又缺乏承认的勇气,只好尽快把这事给忘掉 。
我们下楼又玩了一会儿,我真想让时间像风一样飞快地过去,我真想让邬公公和他的家人别看到压断的花,但事情终究还是发生了 。他的家人忽忽地下了楼,问伙伴:“你们知道谁压断了花?”伙伴们不约而同地指了我 。
接着,他的家人又说了一番话:“徐,这花是我们每天起早摸黑,辛辛苦苦用汗水换来的,来美化环境的,你这也白白浪费了我们几个月的心血呀!” 我呆呆地站着,心里又是懊悔,又是惭愧,觉得自己做错了,以后改正过来,做个好孩子 。
2.童年记忆 英语 400Good morning, everyone!I feel quite honored to be here to give you a speech. Today I'd like to talk something about my childhood.
I had an unforgetable childhood, though it was very hard . My parents are farmers, they always work very hard to support the family. I remembered that I was locked in the home while they went to work in the field, as they wanted me to keep off the river.I was also badly beaten by my father for being rude.I will never forget the scene that my parents working in the field till the sunset.
It is not easy for me to express my feeling about my childhood, I was tought to be a good person by my dear parents. Though they didn't give me any materia enjoyment, they tought me to be honest, to be kind-hearted, to smile at the world, most of all, to be gratitude to everything.