
英 [tri?] 美 [tri]
n. 树;木料;树状物
vt. 把 。赶上树
vi. 爬上树;逃上树
过去式 treed 过去分词 treed 现在分词 treeing
例:You should back that tree with a stake.
你应该用根树桩支撑一下那棵树 。
例:The fox watched all of this from behind the tree.
这些事都让躲在树后面的狐狸看到了 。
英 ['t?mb?] 美 ['t?mb?]
n. 木材;木料
例:The farmer spent a day in the woods hewing timber.
这个农夫花了一天时间在森林里砍木材 。
英 [stiks] 美
n. 棍;树枝
v. 用杆支撑
例:I gathered sticks as kindling for the fire.
我收集了一些树枝作为引火物 。
[词典] [医] stock tree; 还可以写“plant tree”
[例句]这里有几千种树 。
There are several thousand species of trees here.
植树指种植树木 。中国自古以来就有植树的传统 , 涌现出了许多崇尚植树造林的趣闻佳话 。植树以清明时节为最佳 , 此时气候温暖 , 春雨飞洒 , 利于树苗成活 。植树造林对于调节气候、涵养水源、减轻大气污染具有重要意义 。3月12日为中国的法定植树节 。
3.求英文翻译常见园林植物[常绿乔木]樟树 camphor女贞 水腊树 privet广玉兰 southern magnolia雪松 deodar cedar五针松 five-leaved pine罗汉松 podocarpus杜英属乔木 Elaeocarpus 这个植物目前只找到拉丁名 “Elaeocarbus svlvestris”龙柏 Dragon Savin [落叶乔木]苦楝 bead tree合欢 silk tree喜树 Common Camptotheca 垂柳 weeping willow白玉兰 Yulan Magnolia银杏 gingko鸭掌树/白果 Maidenhair tree 银杏科的一种[常绿灌木及小乔木]苏铁 cycad南天竹 [email protected][email protected] 名字看的眼睛花掉~因为常见园林植物也是分地区的 , 我列的是华东地区部分植物 。
总之按照这个规律 , 先找到该地区中文常见园林植物 , 再找32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333233663365英文翻译就可以了 。中文资料从这里来D:/Blog/ViewMyArticle.aspx?MemberId=157651&ArticleId=12528————————————————————————(传说中的分割线)居住区规划: residential district planning景观级: landscape class 一级景观 first class landscaping second xxxx (依次类推) third xxxx道路标识系统 road signs system至于你想表达的“景观分类”“景观分级”没有专业术语 , 可以用the landscape classified by。
.the classification of landscape 这样类似的表达方式分类和分级在英文中需要根据你要划分的具体事物有不同词语 , 建议你把整段或整句话写出来 , 没有语境英文这样“抠词”的语言不好凭空猜测词语 。
4.有关写树的内容要英文的也要有翻译伯明翰的树Trees in BirminghamBirmingham is renowned for its urban trees in streets, parks and gardens. Street trees especially are a vital component of city living and they have a particular impact on the quality of life in Birmingham. Make the City a better place in which to live and work – most people prefer living and working in green surroundings and trees can help economic regeneration by attracting new employers and creating jobs. They create a more attractive landscape by softening the impact of the built environment and providing links between other green spaces. Having trees in your street can increase property values by up to 15%! Make the City a healthier place to live – they trap sooty particles and absorb poisonous chemicals, improving the air we breathe and having a positive impact on the incidence of asthma. The shade they create helps reduce the risk of skin cancer from solar radiation and people feel less stress in a green and leafy surroundings – the environment they create helps you feel good. Provide attractive, calm settings in the City for amenity and recreation – trees bring life and colour to our neighbourhoods and highlight the changing seasons. People are more willing to take a walk or cycle ride in a leafy setting and that is healthier too. They help bring the countryside into the city! Strengthen our neighbourhood communities – by providing people with an opportunity to work together for the benefit of the local environment. Involving people in planting and management of trees helps to build pride in the place, and offers scope for life-long learning Moderate the City's urban climate – shade and shelter from trees can save up to 10% of energy consumption in adjacent buildings. Leaves and branches intercept rainfall and reduce the risk of flooding after rainstorms and also filter noise. Three roots stabilise soil and prevent erosion, which helps the reclamation of derelict land. Provide valuable habitat for wildlife in the City – much of our varied and valuable wildife depends on trees and woodland for survival. Wildlife is a vital indicator of sustainablility and is closely linked to the health and extent of Birmingham's tree cover Birmingham City Council is fully committed to caring for its trees to ensure they continue to thrive for the benefit of the people and wildlife in Birmingham. Management and maintenance of Birmingham's trees is to a high standard to make sure all the City Council's duties and legal responsibilities are met. 伯明翰因为它街道两旁的树木 , 公园和花园而出名 。