
1.用英语介绍你去了一个玩具店自己写的 , 不是网上抄来的 。(后面还有中文翻译)
Today I found a toy shop when I was shopping . I like the toy shop very much because there are lots of toys in the shop. I like mickey mouse , Buzz Lightyear ,however , I love the penguin toy most. I can hardly make my own decision to choose which one shoud I buy because the toys are so beautiful. Finally when I leave the toy shop , I take the mickey mouse with me ,oh ,how cute it is! I am so happy and I think I wll go to the toy shop again.
我今天上街购物的时候发现了一个玩具商店 。我特别喜欢这个玩具商店因为里面有好多的玩具 。我喜爱米老鼠 , 巴斯光年 , 可是我最喜欢的是企鹅 。那些玩具太漂亮了 , 我都快没法决定买哪个好了 。最终 , 当我离开商店的时候我决定就买米老鼠好了 。啊 , 米老鼠真是太可爱了 。我今天好开心 , 我还会再光顾这家玩具店的 。

