英文俳句怎么写( 二 )

3.速求10篇全新英语俳句The Dog and the Shadow)It happened that a Dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace. Now, on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. As he crossed, he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was another dog with another piece of meat, he made up his mind to have that also. So he made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth the piece of meat fell out, dropped into the water and was never seen more 。
4.关于haiku的英文诗,你自己写的也行····急····进来有更详一个haiku诗里面总共因该也只有三行吧~~第一行和第三行因该有五个音节,第二行因该有七个音节 。。@回答者5423091670:你因该是在网上抄的吧~根本不对 。。搂主相信我,我在外国学习 。
hot and boiling sun
people putting sunblocks on
ice creams and ice blocks

Summer is over
animals perparaing for hibernation
old leaves falling down

Soft blankets of ivory
people wearing scarfs and gloves
The cycle is done

butterflies flying around
Gorgeous flowers blossoming
The cycle begins

5.哪位英语大神能帮我写一首英文五行诗和一首俳句,一定要原创,万分俳句诗:Flower of Winter, Flower of Spring
A Flower blooms
In winter's chill
Though Darkness looms
It remains still.
Throughout the storms
Of snow and hail
The Flower forms
Its figure frail
Then springtime dawns
And on the ground
Flower is not gone
Though others abound
A young man sees
The flowers sway
With gentle breeze
He walks their way
And for his maiden
picks one out
Nature's game played
Without a doubt
A Flower picked
For lovers' will
A Flower born
In winter's chill
6.英文版描写冬天的俳句诗Flower of Winter, Flower of Spring
A Flower blooms
In winter's chill
Though Darkness looms
It remains still.
Throughout the storms
Of snow and hail
The Flower forms
Its figure frail
Then springtime dawns
And on the ground
Flower is not gone
Though others abound
A young man sees
The flowers sway
With gentle breeze
He walks their way
And for his maiden
picks one out
Nature's game played
Without a doubt
A Flower picked
For lovers' will
A Flower born
In winter's chill
7.用英文写日本的HAIKU要怎麽写haiku — 俳句,日本文学的一种(俳句,はいく) 俳句(haiku)是日本最短的传统诗歌,以十七字或者十四字为一首 。
松尾芭蕉(1644-1694)是日本的“俳圣” 。如果把他和李白、王维相比,则相当于用《源氏物语》和《红楼梦》相比 。
日本原来有一种联句(renku)或联歌(renga),是日本传统上流人士在宴会上的应酬游戏作品 。由与会者轮流创作短诗,合成联句,长度可分36、50或100句 。
在技巧与内容上,主要是卖弄机智与幽默 。联句或联歌的首句诗被称为发句(hokku),这是俳句的前身 。
松尾芭蕉积极将俳句独立开来,提高其文学地位,引起很大的回响 。在形式上,传统俳句可简单分为5-7-5三句17个音节,或7-7两句14个音节 。
俳句在创作上有一定规律,包括必须点出季语(kigo) 。有人归纳出,俳句在内容上须交代what,where,when,也就是在什么时间(季语),在什么场合,发生了什么事 。