
The skill of getting out of hardship can be devoloped through all stages in life. In my perspective, encouraging yourself can be a good way for you to conquer hardship. Most of the people who are overwhelming by harship are the ones who don't trust themselves. You need to trust yourself first no matter what. Confidence is essential. Planning is an important step for you to conquer hardship. What I mean here by planning is that you need to make a plan including your identified problems and a specific period of time. You need to identify your prolems and time yourself fighting them. Getting out of harship requires perseverance. Never giving up is the basic. Another way to conquer harship that I can think of is to ask and get help from others. You can always consult with the people who have expericed the same kind of hardship that you are experiencing. This really helps. It's not a shame to spell out your harship. Learning from others can help you find a better way. I wish all of the people who are experiencing hardship luck!

