
1.皮带的英语应该怎么写leather belt 英[?lee? belt] 美[?l?e? b?lt]
[释义] 皮带;
belt 英[belt] 美[b?lt]
n. 腰带; 传送带; 区域; 带状物;
vt. 环绕,包围; 用带做记号; 用力打; 绕着系上带子;
[例句]Sometimes you need a belt to hold up your pants.
有时你需要一个带托起你的裤子 。
2.腰带的英文怎么拼写腰带: 1. cestus2. sash3. waistband4. girdle5. chatelaine6. caestusRelative explainations: Examples:1. 这腰带是在前面打结还是在后面? Does this sash tie in front or at the back?2. 我的腰带松了,我没扣紧. My belt is loose; I didn't buckle it up tightly enough.3. 她束了一条宽腰带. She wore a wide belt round her waist.4. 他饱餐一顿以后就松开腰带睡著了. After the huge meal he loosened his belt and went to sleep.腰带a waist belt松开腰带loosed his belt.【动】腰带pelvic girdle把钱缝在腰带里sew money into a belt这条腰带失去了伸缩性This waistband has lost its snap.她把风衣的腰带束紧 。
She belted up her wind coat.她把雨衣的腰带系上 。She belted (up) her raincoat.我需要一条腰带系裤子 。
I need a belt keep up my trousers.我的腰带太紧,我必须放松它 。My belt is too tight; I must loosen it.带一条同质地腰带的女服a dress with a self belt 。
1. cestus
2. sash
3. waistband
4. girdle
5. chatelaine
6. caestus
Relative explainations:
1. 这腰带是在前面打结还是在后面?
Does this sash tie in front or at the back?
2. 我的腰带松了,我没扣紧.
My belt is loose; I didn't buckle it up tightly enough.
3. 她束了一条宽腰带.
【腰带英语怎么写的】She wore a wide belt round her waist.
4. 他饱餐一顿以后就松开腰带睡著了.
After the huge meal he loosened his belt and went to sleep.
a waist belt
loosed his belt.
pelvic girdle
sew money into a belt
This waistband has lost its snap.
她把风衣的腰带束紧 。
She belted up her wind coat.
她把雨衣的腰带系上 。
She belted (up) her raincoat.
我需要一条腰带系裤子 。
I need a belt keep up my trousers.
我的腰带太紧,我必须放松它 。
My belt is too tight; I must loosen it.
a dress with a self belt.
4.腰带翻译The ZERO series brings the fruit which the primitive impulsion sprouts most to want most to want to do and most wants to express 11 spreads out all over these two model of leather belt one in inside is the wide shape may be under the chest but also waist succinct and the magnificent another long some waistbands are more romantic and gentle may be on the hip, the pine wears may also be crooked is letting the tassels swing under the side waist embroiders is at the same time imitates the hand to embroider, embroiders roughy, not fragily compared to the hand, but the flavor is also the manual breath thick some places which the full waistband does may see to the inter-finger space line inIn the flowering shrubs loafs such is no wonder simple actually beckoning waistband only this sharp voice to have the size: Even code ZERO_ wide band waist belt length: 73.5 The waistband is widest place: 11 The waist wide (eliminates the widest place place): 8.5 The adjustment buckles the gap: 3.5 Behind has the adjustment buckle to be possible to make three adjustments Quality of material: {ZERO_ long belt} mother stock: On the cotton and kapok hemp cotton material embroiders In the lining is: Black canvas supplementary material: Greatly wooden buckle 。