
1.希望生活简简单单用英语怎么写拿到分再写下一篇 半个小时交货 最上面那两个一样 而且一看就翻译机做的 看第一句这什么啊 we recognize the 5 months,。
楼上的 简简单单不代表语法就简简单单犯错 正文 My girl You must have been sleep now. But the thing that you don't know is that I miss you so much even I can not go to sleep right now. It's the fifth month that we have met each other. Now I realize that I fall in love with you, and I can't pull myself out of swamp. I know that I sometimes act silly in front of you. You told me that being too nice to you is a pressure, which I get it now. I will give you plenty of time for you to consider. I know that I promise you that I won't go and company you every night, I tried, but you are a little kid in my eyes. I want to take care of you. Going home alone after work or staying without others will make you unhappy, which I will try my best to make you being happy all the time. I know that you sometimes are bothered by my phone call. But the thing that you don't know is that to hug you everyday to take you hand close to my heart is beyond my wildest dream. Do you know how sad I was on that night, when you told me that you did not love me and yield at me. You will never know how painful it is to say never? You will never know the hopeless on raining night when I was waiting for you? You will never know my hand was trembling when I sent you that text message. 。
2.简约的生活不是简单的生活英语怎么说呢:可以直接说a simple life is not simple (at all).非要换个词:如果简约强调低调,随意用simple,humble或者plain如果把不简单理解为不容易:A simple/humble/plain life is not easy.如果把不简单理解为无聊:A simple/humble/plain life is not boring/dull/tedious.如果简约强调俭省,节约用rustic甚至是poorA rustic life is not plain/simple/easy. 。

