
1.扬帆起航英文怎么说(急)扬帆起航的英文是:make sail; set sail 短语: 我们从这里扬帆起航 We are sailing from here ; From here we sailing ; We set sail from here 铁通在变革中扬帆起航 Computer Knowledge and Technology 水电『航母』扬帆起航 China Hydropower & Electrification 例句:1、首次会议的成功举办,标志着第五届中日友好21 世纪委员会顺利扬帆起航 。
The success of the first meeting indicates that the Fifth China Japan Friendship Committee for the 21st Century has set sail smoothly. 2、公元前55年,凯撒率领第七和第十军团,分乘80条船从布洛涅扬帆起航,横渡英吉利海峡进军多佛 。In 55BC, Caesar loadedthe seventh and tenth legions into 80 ships and sailed from Boulogneacross the Channel to Dover. 扩展资料 sail的几种含义: 一、n.帆;乘船航行;(风车的)翼板 。
例句: 1、Ease the large sail out or we shall be blown over! 松开大帆,不然我们会翻船的 。2、They go for a sail down the thames. 他们乘船泰晤士河航行 。
3、The sails of the windmill were wheeling round. 风车的叶轮正在旋转 。二、v.(船)航行,(人)乘船航行;驾驶(或乘坐)帆船航行(尤指作为体育运动);起航;掠,飘,浮游,(人)昂首而行,气宇轩昂地走 。
例句: 1、Why did the Indian traders sail eastwards? 印度商人为何往东航行呢? 2、Can you sail a boat? 你会驾船吗? 3、The cruise liner will sail out next week. 定期班轮下周出港 。4、He sails under false colors shamelessly. 他欺世盗名,且毫不以为耻 。
词组: sail through v.轻快地走过 fore-and-aft sail n.纵帆 square sail n.横帆 balloon sail n.游艇帆 lateen sail n.斜挂大三角帆 。
2.扬帆去你的家乡 英文怎么写1,set sail your hometown.
2,way of a became all the quicker traffic.
3,travel to some others are local.
4,in the 16 century in the 1960s.
5,it is about to take 70 passengers.
6,country around the world.
7,future's highway.
应该是正确的吧 。呵呵 。o(∩_∩)o 。
3.英语作文求写个dear mike How is everything going? I have some trouble on study. I usually failed in my all the suspect , I do not understand my teacher said, and my classmates ofen make jokes abuot my.I really don't like my school ,I am a student in grade 9 , I hope for your help. Thank you very much. be俯法碘盒鄢谷碉贪冬楷st wishes your yangfan 买糖啊,,,参考资料:绝对原创 。

