
1. ill
2. sick
Relative explainations:
<be taken ill> <get sick> <fall sick> <fall ill> <fell ill> <got sick> <pathogeny> <take sick> <sicken> <get ill> <took sick> <taken sick> <be ill> <to fall ill> <fallen sick> <fell sick>
1. 你的脸色有些苍白 , 你生病了吗?
You are looking rather pale, are you ill?
2. 在他的父亲生病不在的时候 , 他管理公司 。
He managed the company when his father was away ill.
3. 他因为生病 , 所以才缺席 。
His illness accounts for his absence.
4. 尽管生病 , 他还是来参加会议 。
He came to the meeting despite his illness.
5. 他生病倒是因祸得福 , 因为后来他和他的护士结了婚 。
【有病的用英文怎么写】His illness was a blessing in disguise, because he afterwards married his nurse.
6. 他生病的整个阶段都表现出非凡的忍耐力 。
He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.
7. 医术最精湛的医生们在国王生病时诊治他 。
The most eminent doctors treated the king in his illness.
8. 是什么使他生病?
What caused his illness?
2.你有病啊翻译是:Are you sick?解释:you 英[ju] 美[j?] pron. 你; 大家; 你们 , 您们; 各位; [例句]Getting good results gives you confidence取得好的结果会给人以信心 。
sick 英[s?k] 美[s?k] adj. 生病的;恶心的; 晕船; 不舒服的; 腻烦的; vt. 吐出; 追逐; 攻击; n. 病人; <口>呕吐物; [例句]He's very sick. He needs medication他病得很厉害 , 需要药物治疗 。

