
1.有写指路的英文短文A:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the nearest underground station?
B:Of couse.Go straight ahead along Changdao Road.Take the second turning on your rignt.Then you will see a big supermarket on the left.The station is just next to it.
A:Is it far from hear?
B:Yes.You'd better take a bus.
A:Which bus should I take?
B:NO.2 bus.
A:Where is the bus station.
B:It's over there.
A:Thank you very much.
B:You are welcome.
这是我自己写的 , 不满意的话可以自己修改一下 。
2.给别人指路英语怎么说看看例句 , 您就明白了
1. 他们乐意搀扶着别人的胳膊 , 帮助他过马路地很愿意给别人指路 。
【指路的英文怎么写】they readily take someone's arm to help him across a street or direct him along an unfamiliar route.
2. 许多不能给别人指路找到街角上的药行的人 , 到了年纪使他更加糊涂之后 , 却也会找到人必恭必敬地聆听他的申诉 。
Many a man that can't direct you to a corner drugstore will get a respectful hearing when age has further impaired his mind.
3. 许多不能给别人指路找到街角上的药行的人 , 到了年纪使他更加糊涂之后 , 却也会找到人必恭必敬地聆听他的申诉 。
Many a man that can not direct you to a corner drugstore will get a respectful hearing when age have further impair his mind.
3.如何用英语指路1.Follow me/This way,please! 请跟我来 。
2. The XXX is between the XXX and the XXX. XXX在XXX 和 XXX之间 。
3. It's next to XXX. 它在XXX隔壁 。
4. You'd better take No.XX bus. 你最好乘XXX路车 。
5. It's about ten minutes' walk. 步行大约要十分钟 。
6. It's about 700 metres from here.离这儿大约有700米 。
7. Walk along the road, and turn to the left at the third turning. 沿着这条路走 , 在第三个拐弯处向左拐 。
当你不知道路时 , 可用下面的句子来答复:
1. Sorry, I don't know. I'm new here, too. 对不起 , 我不知道 。我也是刚到这儿的 。
2. I'm sorry, I'm not sure. You'd better ask the policeman over there. 对不起 , 我不能确定 , 你最好问那边的警察 。
4.有写指路的英文短文这是我自己写的:Which bus should I take:It's over there?B , 不满意的话可以自己修改一下.B:NO.2 bus.A:Where is the bus station:Thank you very much.You'.A:You are welcomeA:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the nearest underground station.A:Yes:Is it far from hear:Of couse.Go straight ahead along Changdao Road.Take the second turning on your rignt.Then you will see a big supermarket on the left.The station is just next to it?B.A;d better take a bus.B?B 。
5.用英语怎么问路和指路A: Excuse me. Where's the Green Park, please?
B: The Green Park? Oh, yes. It's on Beijing Road.
A: Is it far from here?
B: Yes, it's very far from here.
A: How can I get there?
B: You can take bus No.5.
A: Where's the No.5 bus stop?
B: It's over there.
A: Thank you very much.
B: That's all right.
还有Can you tell me the way to…
Go along this street.···
Turn right at the second crossing.
How can I get there?
You can take bus No.….
6.如何用英语指路1.Follow me/This way,please! 请跟我来 。
2. The XXX is between the XXX and the XXX. XXX在XXX 和 XXX之间 。3. It's next to XXX. 它在XXX隔壁 。
4. You'd better take No.XX bus. 你最好乘XXX路车 。5. It's about ten minutes' walk. 步行大约要十分钟 。
6. It's about 700 metres from here.离这儿大约有700米 。7. Walk along the road, and turn to the left at the third turning. 沿着这条路走 , 在第三个拐弯处向左拐 。