
1.英语作文6句左右,我的后院要翻译There is a garden in my backyard. There grows some kinds of flowers in the garden, they are peonies (牡丹花),chrysanthemum (菊花),roses (玫瑰花),and so on. I often plant them in spring and they blossom in summer. All of them are very beautiful. I like them very much. 。
2.堆,用英语怎么写堆 [duī]
动词(堆积) pile up; heap up; stack:例句: stack the firewood in the back yard;
把木柴堆在后院里The cart was piled high with fruit and vegetables.
大车上高高地堆满了水果和蔬菜 。
1. (堆积成的东西) heap; pile; stack:例句: a pile [stack] of firewood;
草堆2. (小山,多用于地名) hillock; mound量词(用于成堆的物或成群的人) heap; pile; crowd:例句: a pile of hay [stone];
一堆草 [石头]a crowd of people
3.英语作文6句左右,My backyardThere is a backyard at the back of our house. We plant some flowers, like roses and tulips. We also grow grape trees and orange trees there. My grandfather makes a small house for the chickens. There are about twelve chickens. Some of them lay eggs every day. 。
有一次,他跟小伙伴们在后院里玩耍 。院子里有一口大水缸,有个小孩爬到缸沿上玩,一不小心,掉到缸里 。缸大水深,眼看那孩子快要没顶了 。别的孩子们一见出了事,吓得边哭边喊,跑到外面向大人求救 。司马光却急中生智,从地上捡起一块大石头,使劲向水缸砸去,“砰!”水缸破了,缸里的水流了出来,被淹在水里的小孩也得救了 。
On one occasion, he told a small partners in the backyard playing. In the yard there is a large tank, there's kids climb on the tank to play along, accidentally fell into tank. Cylinder large depth, seeing that the child had drowned about. Other children who see a fiasco, frightened weeping, crying, ran outside for help for the adults. Sima Guang was Jizhongshengzhi, picked up a large stone from the floor, straining to go to the tank hit, "Bang!" Tank burst, the tank's water out of the children had drowned in the water saved.
5.英语翻译June 2010 will be a month, because the passion of the World Cup will be held in South Africa, this is the fans festivals, and finally into South Africa cup. Now, there are numerous already full of people, the tyrannical Brazil and Spain as big, but I prefer to Germany, because they are a disciplined steel group, South Africa, Germany next to the title 。
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