
1.电灯用英语怎么说电灯用英语表示是electric lamp,对应的音标是英 [i?lektrik l?mp] 美 [??l?ktr?k l?mp]。
英 [l?mp] 美 [l?mp]
1. A fine wire is heated electrically to incandescence in an electric lamp.
灯丝在电灯中电加时成白炽状态 。
2. The electric lamp burns brightly.
3. An electric lamp is brighter than a candle.
4. An American, Edison, invented the first small electric lamp.
5. The light an electric lamp comes from an incandescent filament.
6. A fine wire heated electrically to incandescence in an electric lamp.
2.关于电的英语作文Everybody knows that electricty is very important for us. And it helps us a lot in our daily life. Without electricity we can not use lamp, TV, computer or other things. Then it will be not very convenient for us. Our world may be in the dark. But in fact, the electricity isn't much. So we all should save the energy. For example, when we leave rooms, we should turn off the lamp. When we are not using the computer we should turn it off. All of our people should save the energy from the bottom of your heart 。
3.“电灯”用英语怎么说电灯的英文:electric lamp、electric light
1、electric lamp
英文发音:[??lektr?k l?mp]
It is well known that Edison invented the electric lamp.
人们都知道是爱迪生发明了电灯 。
2、electric light
英文发音:[??lektr?k la?t]
In the morning, I got up, I click the switch of the electric light once.
早上,我起来了,我按了一下电灯的开关 。
An electrical device for changing stored chemical energy into direct electric current.
将储蓄的化学能转变为直流电的电气装置 。
They blew out the lamp and began to talk.
他们吹熄了灯,就打开了话匣子了 。
4.关于电的英语作文Everybody knows that electricty is very important for us. And it helps us a lot in our daily life. Without electricity we can not use lamp, TV, computer or other things. Then it will be not very convenient for us. Our world may be in the dark. But in fact, the electricity isn't much. So we all should save the energy. For example, when we leave rooms, we should turn off the lamp. When we are not using the computer we should turn it off. All of our people should save the energy from the bottom of your heart. 。
5.如何写关于电的英文对话A:Good morning.Beijing Trading Company.May I help you?
B: Good morning.This is Mr.Smith of King Electronics Company.I'd like to speak to Mr.Zhong,please.
A:We have two Zhongs here.Is that Bob Zhong,or John Zhong?
A:Mr.Bob Zhong, in the Overseas Sales Division?
A:I'm sorry,he's not in the office now.
B:Do you have any idea when he'll be back?
A:I'm sorry,I have no idea.
B:Can you ask him to call me when he cames back?It's urgent.
A:Yes,I will,Mr.Smith.
B:Thank you.
A:You're welcome.
6.英文作文,电的用处The Use of Electricity
Electricity is essential in our daily life. It can be used to charge electronics, and batteries. Many light sources, such as light bulb, use electricity as well. The reason that electricity is used so extensively is that electricity is the most convenient energy that can be transported using a thin wire. Many other energy sources, such as fossil fuel and wind power, generate electricity and transport it through wire to the place that needs electricity. Although electricity can be dangerous as fatal accidents happen all the time, it is still considered relatively safe. However, it comes with a price. The Japanese earthquake damaged many nuclear plants, causing one of the biggest nuclear disaster in decades, and the radioactive substances leaked out and polluted the surrounding environment and species. If people are not careful enough managing their power sources, those electricity generators could be devastating to human beings.