
1.请教 纯羊毛和丝绸英文怎么说纯羊毛 pure fell(非正式)/fleece(正式)/wool(口语)
丝绸 silk cloth cloth可舍去
至于你说的 acy 可能是化学上的 以下是我猜的:
acyclic [简明英汉词典]
acylacyl [简明英汉词典]
2.丝袜英文怎么写丝袜英文是Silk stockings,其中stockings的英式发音为[s't?k??z],美式发音[s't?k??z],
silk英式发音为[s?lk] ,美式发音[s?lk]。
1、They continued to get their silks from China.
他们继续从中国购买丝绸 。
2、Pauline wore a silk dress with a strand of pearls.
保利娜穿了件丝绸长裙,戴了串珍珠 。
3、Silk was used with wool for contrast.
丝绸和毛料用在一起以形成对比 。
4、I bought a great tie-dyed silk scarf.
我买了条非常好的扎染丝巾 。
5、It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk.
它较棉布和尼龙柔软,光泽则与丝绸相仿 。
1、Her stockings wrinkled at the ankles.
她的长筒袜在脚踝处起了褶儿 。
2、She pulled off her shoes and stockings and wriggled her toes.
她脱下鞋袜,活动活动脚趾头 。
3、I showed her my ragged stockings, my patched pants.
我给她看了我那破破烂烂的长筒袜和补丁撂补丁的裤子 。
4、She wore nylon stockings.
她穿了双尼龙长统袜 。
5、My sister bought a new fishnet stockings.
我姐姐买了新的网袜 。
而玻璃纸闪着微光就如同上好的丝绸 。
And the cellophane shimmered like the finest silk.
丝绸之路沿途的少数民族们擅长跳舞和唱歌 。
The ethnic minorities along the silk road excel at dancing and singing.
丝绸由于这一点而在历史上确实占有特权地位 。
Silk indeed occupies a privileged place in history on account of this.
这些新丝绸工业只有极少数能发展成相当大的规模 。
Only rarely did these new silk industries grow to any significant size.
既然秘密已经被公开了,我们就可以安全地谈论蚕和人类如何制造丝绸了 。
Now that the secret's out, we can safely talk about how silkworms and humansmake luxurious silk cloth.
4.关于丝绸文化英语作文The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route between China and Europe.Because China silk comprised a large proportion of the trade along this ancient road, in 1877,it was named the “Silk Road” by an eminent German geographer. Usually it can be classifiedinto Northern Silk Road on the land, Southern Silk Road on the land and the Silk Road on thesea. The Northern Silk Road on the land usually refers to the routes start from Chang'an,traveling west to Wuwei, passing though Hexi Corridor to Dunhuang and go west to Europe.The Southern Silk Road on the land usually refers to the route starts from Sichuan Provinceand go south to India and Burma. It is now included in the World Heritage List of UNESCO.33 historical sites are along the road in total and 22 of them distribute in Shaanxi, Henan,Gansu and Xinjiang of China. (换)From the time Zhang Qian opened up the world-famous Silk Road during the Han Dynasty,until the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty, it enjoyed a history of about 1,600 years. (换)Theancient Silk Road contributed greatly to the cultural exchange between China and the West.From the second century BC to the fifteenth century AD, splendid civilizations among China,India, Greece, Persia and Rome were exchanged along this famous trade route, making theroute a great “Cultural Bridge” between Asia and Europe. Together with the economic andpolitical exchange between the East and West, religions of the West were introduced intoChina via the world-famous route. Like Buddhism and Islam. From time immemorial, the SilkRoad has been a route of friendly intercourse between the Chinese and foreign people. TheSilk Road greatly promoted the exchanges of economy, technology and culture among theAsian, the European and theAfrican. It made the whole world colorful.(换)The of the Silk Road for today is a Chinese framework named One Belt and One Road, whichfor organizing multinational economic development through two component plans, theland-based Silk Road Economic Belt and oceangoing Maritime Silk Road. I look for the newSilk Road will play an increasingly active role in generating for the benefit of all humanity. 。