
1.“约吗”用英文怎么说Could you date with me?
1. 问候:
Good morning / afternoon / evening. Hello / Hi !
A: How are you? B: Fine , thank you. And you? / Very well, thank you.
2. 介绍
a. This is Mr / Miss /Mrs…. b. How do you do? Nice /Glad to see / meet you.
c.My name is …. I'm a student/ worker etc. ( here)
3. 告别
a. I think it's time for us to leave now.
b. Goodbye! (Bye-bye! Bye!) See you later / tomorrow .( See you .) Good night.
4. 打电话
a.Hello!May I speak to… ?
b.Hold on. Please. He / She isn't here right now.Can I take a message for you? c.I'm calling to tell / ask you…
5. 感谢和应答
a.Thank you (very much ). Thanks a lot. Many thanks. Thanks for….
b.Not at all. That's all right. You're welcome.
6. 祝愿、祝贺和应答
a. Good luck! Best wishes to you. Have a nice / good time.Congratulations! b.Thank you.
c. Happy New Year! /Merry Christmas! /Happy birthday to you.
d.The same to you.
7. 意愿
I'm going to… I will …. I'd like to … I want /hope to…
8. 道歉和应答
a. I'm sorry. (Sorry.) I'm sorry for / about… Excuse me.
b. That's all right. It doesn't matter. That's nothing.
9. 遗憾和同情 What a pity! I'm sorry to hear ….
10. 邀请和应答
a. Will you come to …? Would you like to … ?
b. Yes, I'd love to… Yes, it's very kind of you / nice of you.
c. I'd love to, but…
2.约吗英语怎么说Would you like to hang out?

[动] make an appointment; arrange; ask or invite in advance; restrict;
[名] appointment; pact; agreement; a surname;
[形] economical; frugal; simple; brief;
[例句]我们和他约好1点钟在旅馆碰头 。
We arranged with him to meet at the hotel at one o'clock.
3.“约吗Would you like to go out with me?这句话也是邀请对方和自己约会,相对正式一些 。Go out with someone是固定搭配,就是和某人去约会的意思;
Shall we go out a couple of times?表达你和一个人已经约会了几次的情况 。
但怎么讲都比较死板,都不如在酒吧吧台前帅气的来一句:Can I buy you a drink?
在西方,“姐姐”和“妹妹”都叫sister,只有需要特别表明年龄大小时或其他必要情况下,才分为elder sister和younger sister 。堂姐妹应说cousin 。
sister,读音:英 ['s?st?(r)] 美 ['s?st?r]
n. 姐妹
1、half sister 同父异母的妹妹
2、little sister 小妹妹
3、nice sister 讨人喜欢的妹妹
4、whole sister 同父母姐妹
1、Don't keep blaming your little sister for your bad behaviour.
不要总是把你的不良行为怪在你的小妹妹身上 。
2、After his parents died, responsibility for his three younger sisters bore down upon the young man.
父母亲去世后,照顾三个妹妹的重担压在这个年轻人的肩上 。
3、Bless you, my sister!
4、Don't play all day long, sister.
妹妹,别一天到晚玩 。
cousin英 ['k?zn] 美 ['k?zn]
n. 堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹)
1、I have seven cousins.
我有七个堂〔表〕兄弟姐妹 。
2、Both his cousins are called John.
他的两个表弟都叫约翰 。
5.你能和我约会吗 英文怎么说啊中文:你能和我约会吗?
【妹子约吗英文怎么写】英文翻译:Could you have an appointment with me ?