
1.四年级上册英语重点单词短语汇总怎么写四年级英语上册重点单词短语和句型数字类one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred 动词swim (游泳)jump (跳)run(跑)throw (扔)形容词big (大的)naughty(调皮的)beautiful (漂亮的)strong (强壮的)small (小的)right (正确的)wrong(错误的)hungry (饥饿的)人称代词主格:I (我)we (我们)you (你,你们)he (他)she(她)it (它)they(他们)宾格:me(我)us(我们)you (你,你们)him(他)her(她)it(它)them(他们)形容词性物主代词:my(我的)our (我们的)your (你们的)his(他的)her(她的)its(它的)their(他们的)食物名称egg (鸡蛋)dumpling (饺子bread(面包)noodle(面条)rice(米饭)milk (牛奶)家具名称和其他名词bed(床)chair(椅子)door (门)bedroom(卧室)table (桌子)boat(船)flower (花)tiger (老虎)flag (旗子)介词in (在…里面) on (在…上面) under (在…上面) 句型Stand up. (起立) Sit down . (坐下)What is this ? (这是什么?)It's a flag.(是一面旗子)What's that? (那是什么?)It's a circle.(是一个圆)What are these? (这些是什么?)These are eggs.(是鸡蛋)What are those? (那些是什么?)Those are ladybirds.(是瓢虫)Look at that elephant.(看那只大象)It's big.(它很大)a beautiful bird (一只漂亮的鸟)a strong tiger (一只强壮的老虎)a small mouse (一只小老鼠)a naughty monkey(一只调皮的猴子)What do you like?(你喜欢什么?)I like dumplings.(我喜欢饺子 。)
I don't like rice.(我不喜欢米饭)Whose is this ? (这是谁的?)2 It is my hat. (是我的帽子)Where is the cat? (猫在哪里?)It is under the table.(在桌子下面)I can swim fast.(我能游的很快 。)Can you jump? (你会跳高吗?)Yes, I can. No, I can't. What can you see?(你能看到什么)I can see a bird.(我看到一只鸟) 。

