写英语说明文怎么写( 四 )

再如下句:We wish to state that this electric car was designed with the idea of safety in mind. 此句冗长,不够简洁,应改为:The electric car was designed for safety. 除讲究语言平实准确的前提下,我们还可以运用描写的方法,来增添文章的可读性 。例如在写题目为“My Pencil Box”这一文章时,若写成“I have a pencil-box, which was given to me by classmates as a birthday present. On it are three little bears. Inside are my pencils, a rubber and a pen-knife.”这样的表达是不是显得干巴巴的,毫无情趣?若能对三只小熊憨态可掬的形象加以描述,则会给读者留下深刻的印象 。
另外,在介绍事物时,语言易流于单调,若插入传说、趣事,或引用诗文、成语,或运用比喻、拟人、反问等修辞手段则可使语言生动形象,引人入胜 。
7.请帮我用初二英语写一篇如何写英语的说明文Writing English articles is an intresting thing ,so if we love to do it ,I think we can do much better ,don't you think so? Of course ,this isn't enough. So some good habbits are important . For example , we should read many good essays in our free time,it can give us some useful and common sentences. And we should try our best to use sentences which we have learnt ,at the same time we think they're good and right! Before you write, you should make it up in Chinese in your heart.Then you could translate theminto English on the paper! In fact ,there aren't any secrets on how to write articles well. The impotance is hard-working! 。
8.求英语说明文作文Tiger It is a reference to the tiger, they will think of its strong body, sharp like a pawn and awe-inspiring. Indeed, it is a symbol of victory and strength. ? In real life, only a small number of tigers. Tiger in the nine, four have become extinct. Only in the remaining five tiger, there are several double-digit number of the left. However, the jaguar, tiger trail, or can be found in the forest, or the same power and prestige. ? tiger very beautiful coat color, the amount of the former there is a "king" of the stripe-shaped, the long-haired on a yellow mixed with black stripes, it is beautiful; its strong, thick limbs and a sparkle of eyes, and it looks majestic. Siberian tiger is a carnivorous animal, it was the most powerful weapon is the sharp claws and canine teeth. It's more than 10 centimeters long claws, scalable, also benefit than steel, that is, it hides a grasp could not resist the temptation; canine six centimeters long, is an indispensable prey into pieces, "knife"; tigers there are many sharp tongue The Spurs, for hiss bite. Toe pad and the palm, such as sponge-like soft, so that tiger away from the road quietly, agility and flexibility. ? almost all types of tigers have these features, this is the physical condition of their advantages, and their ability to prey clever than the Lions often take static V, prowling, and carry out surprise attacks. It roared out, many animals will be scared prostrata fixed, and then use the head, such as lift and cut method to capture. Tiger is very much a head to head far beyond seven meters, 2 meters high jump, beat up a deer can be knocked down. Its tail is like a iron bar, "a cut" can be interrupted by the waist and legs of animals. It also has canine Claw, when such a big cattle man, leapt from behind on Bubulcus, seize the head and neck, before pulling the top post; if attacked from the front, they will seize the throat, even with tear bite, and then Zhuang any of the cattle can only be at the mercy of it. ? tiger in tropical and boreal forests are the habitat, its cold over heat, like bathing, are often found close to the water from between the bushes. To eat too much, they generally prefer to rest in a quiet place. Tiger and lion different, generally only come out to feed in the twilight, but the action is very subtle. ? tigress with the exception of Aberdeen, the overwhelming majority of the tiger is a separate dwelling, and a clear home range. Termagant general one-child in 2023, one-child general Aberdeen 2. As a result of the decline in forest, known as "the protector of the forest," not only to protect the reputation of the Tiger by humans can not continue to devour the forests, even the survival of their own environmental problems are also serious threats of martial law. At present, China's Hong Kong Standard Class only more than 3000 total. ? value as a result of tigers, with the total number less. At present, the Northeast and South China tigers have been classified as a class of our country the protection of animals, I believe that all sectors of the community through tireless efforts, we will make future generations have never seen a tiger The majestic appearance. 这是关于如何保护动物的作文(说明文)希望对你有所帮助. 。