
1.数字9,372,614英语读法nine million three hundred and seventy-two thousand six hundred and forteen
three hundred million
是的,就直接读DC,人名中有字母的也直接读,比如哈利波特的作者,JK 罗林,另外那个数字的读法我已经写在上面了,请楼主明察!望采纳~~感激不尽!
2.写一篇英语作文My home town is Shanghai, China. It is located along the coast of the East China Sea and the southern banks of the mouth of the Yangtze River. It is China's largest city with 6,340 square kilometers and 19 million people. My hometown belongs to the North Asian monsoon climate. It often rains with thunderstorms in the summer and always heavy winds in the winter.
Shanghai has great public appeal. Lots of impressive public things can be seen. For example, there are lots of wonderful older buildings along the famous warm WaiTan Bund,the most recognizable architectural symbols of Shanghai. Various architectural styles with new buildings everywhere, including the famous Shanghai World Financial Center 1,614 feet tall. Shanghai has a great cultural and modern educational system. It has its own local language, Shanghainese, but Mandarin is also very popular in Shanghai. There are 14 of China's top and oldest universities, at least 300 other public and private universities and colleges,and many secondary educational schools. Shanghai is also a friendly city. It has 60 sister cities around the world, and it has used its sister cities experiences to help establish its economic reforms. Shanghai has a modern and convenient public traffic system and an extensive public transportation system. It has the world's most extensive bus system with one thousand bus routes, the modern Maglev monorail, two major railways station, two international airports, five subway routes, and sixty thousand taxis. Shanghai is the number one world's busiest port handling a total of 540 million tons of cargo in 2006. The Donghai Bridge with a total length of 32.5Km,is the longest bridge that spans a sea in the world. It links Shanghai and the newly opened deep water port of Yangshan.
3.英语作文六年级Everybody knows that China is a very big country in the world .It has a long history .there are many interesting places here.such as the Great wall .the Summer palace and so on.so every year lots of people will come here to visit .And it held olinpic in 2008. And it will become more and more beautiful.
North America United States of America is located in the middle of the east Atlantic, West Coast
Pacific, north of Canada, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico south. Arab-owned
Nebraska is located in the north-western North America, Hawaii is located in the North Pacific
Department. The total area of 9,372,614 sq km. A coastline of 2 26 8 0 km.
British mainland western Europe from Great Britain and Ireland, north-east and many nearby islands. The full name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. She east by the North Sea, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, up to the North Atlantic off Iceland, Yugoslavia and the European continent, separated only by a strip of water, the English Channel. British total area of about 243,000 square kilometers.

