
英语学科核心素养(1)语言能力语言能力是在社会情境中借助语言,以听、说、读、看、写等方式理解和表达意义的能力 。通过本课程的学习,学生能进一步发展语言意识和英语语感;掌握英语语言知识并在语境中整合性运用所学知识;理解口、笔语语篇所传递的意义,识别并赏析其恰当表达意义的手段;有效使用口、笔语传递意义和进行人际交流 。(2)学习能力学习能力指学生积极运用和主动调适英语学习策略、拓宽英语学习渠道、努力提升英语学习效率的意识和能力 。通过本课程的学习,学生保持对英语学习的兴趣,具有明确的目标意识,能够多渠道获取学习资源,有效规划学习时间和学习任务,选择恰当的策略与方法,监控、反思、调整和评价自己的学习 。(3)思维品质思维品质指人的思维个性特征,反映其在思维的逻辑性、批判性、创新性等方面所表现的水平和特点 。通过本课程的学习,学生能辨析语言和文化中的各种现象;分类、概括信息,建构新概念;分析、推断信息的逻辑关系;正确评判各种思想观点,理性表达自己的观点,具备初步用英语进行多元思维的能力 。(4)文化品格文化品格指对中外文化的理解和对优秀文化的认同,是学生在全球化背景下表现出的知识素质、人文修养和行为取向 。通过本课程的学习,学生能获得文化知识,理解文化内涵,比较文化异同,吸收文化精华,形成正确的价值观念和道德情感,自信、自尊、自强,具备一定的跨文化沟通和传播中华优秀文化的能力 。
2.大学生必备的素质英语作文120字左右Qualities College Students should Process
In the recent several years, with the development of our society and science, college students should also process some specific qualities so as to shoulder the great responsibilities of our society. Here i would like to talk about three important qualities as follows.
Firstly, college students should concentrate their minds on studies. The fields of studies is the great foundation for their future development. Like building a house brick by brick, the contribution they will make in the future will also be formed by their every bit of knowledge.
Secondly, college students should love their motherland. Despite the excellent condition of overseas companies, nowadays many Chinese graduates come back to China in the return of their motherland. We should bear in mind that China is like our own mothers that raise me up.
Thirdly, college students should form great confidence and a positive self-image. Whenever we meet difficulties, we should not back off, instead, we should strive to do our best to solve the problems. Nothing can be a great obstacle on our way to success so long as we persist in doing what's right.
【素养英文怎么写】To conclude, there are three above qualities that nowadays college students should have internally. Hope that one day more and more college students will make our motherland a better place.
3.品德用英语怎么说品德的英文:Character 。
morality: n:道德;道德观;道德准则;品德高尚的行为 。复数: moralitiesquality: n:质量,品质;美质,优点;才能,能力,技能,素养;品种 。
adj:优质的,高质量的;上流社会的 。复数: qualitiesmoral character:品性;[法] 品德 。
保持劳动人民的优良品德:keep the fine qualities of the working people 。他品德高尚:He excels in virtue 。
4.5S的5个英文单词是什么5S”是整理(Seiri)、整顿(Seiton)、清扫(Seiso)、清洁(Seikeetsu)和素养知 (Shitsuke)这5个词的缩写 。因为这5个词日语中道罗马拼音的第一个字母都是“S”,所以简称为“5S”,开展以整理、整顿、清扫、清洁和素养为内容的活动,称为 “5S”活动 。