英语概括性作文怎么写( 四 )

[参考范文] Boys and girls,May I have your attention, please?I have something to tell you. Thereis an English lecture in the。
5.一篇英语作文怎么写爸爸我想对你说……爸爸,我想对你说,以后少喝酒,好吗? 爸爸,您知道吗?有一次,我看见您在外面吃饭,喝醉酒了,还是几个叔叔把您抬回家放在沙发上的 。
您不知道,您一次又一次地从沙发上滚到地上,我和妈妈只好把沙发口移向墙,最后,您还是把沙发给挤出来,您落进沙发脚下睡了一个晚上 。妈妈走过去看了看您,皱着眉头大骂起来,醉酒的您根本没有听见,像死人似的 。
妈妈的声音更大了,她像发怒的狮子 。可是,您最终什么也没听见 。
我看见妈妈气得一句话也说不出了 。爸爸,您不是只有那一次喝醉酒,而是经常醉酒,我多么希望您像我们班同学的爸爸一样不再喝酒了 。
爸爸,您不知道您因为喝酒进了多少次医院?可是每次您从医院回来后不久,您又喝酒,醉酒,进医院…… 爸爸,您知道吗?报纸上、电视上都报道喝酒会伤害身体 。爸爸,如果有一天您因为喝酒失去了生命,我就再也没有爸爸了,到时我听到别人喊“爸爸”,我会想你的,但到那时,您什么也都不知道了! 爸爸,我想有个幸福的家,如果没有您,我就成了孤儿 。
爸爸,您要保重身体,少喝酒,行吗? 英文:Father want to say to you ……Father, I want to say to you, later little drink, good? Father, do you know?Once, I see you have a meal in the outside, got drunk wine, be still that a few uncle lift you to go home to put on the sofa.You don't know that you roll ground from the sofa once and with a run, I and mother have to move a sofa toward wall, end, you still keep give°ing the sofa to extrude, you fell to sleep into the sofa foot a night.The mother walk through to took a look you, wrinkly the eyebrows lambaste, drunk with wine of you heard at all and be like dead a person.The mother's voice is larger, she be like to get mad of lion.But, you are end what also do not hear.I see a mother spirit a words also coulded not say. Father, you isn't only the to get drunk wine at a time, but usually drunk with wine, I how hope you are like our class father of the classmate similar no longer drank.Father, you don't know you because of drink into how many hospitals?But every time you are from the hospital come back behind soon, you again drink, drunk with wine, enter hospital …… Father, do you know?On the newspaper, television top all the report way drink meeting injury body.Father, if one day you because of drinking to lose life, I had no father any further, I hear other people shout "father" by that time, I will miss you, but till then, you what also all don't know! Father, I want to have the house of a happiness, if have no you, I became orphan.Father, you want to take care of health, little drink, is all right? 难道“爸爸”是自己,呵呵,这个我也是百度搜的 。In the past,there was aperson,he was Lei feng.He always helped other people to do some difficult things. I think he was a hero(I think he is a hero).Nowadays,people don't help others.When an old lady falls over herself,nobody to help her(nobody wants to help her).Why do people do this?Because someone think the person helps the old lady because he or she makes the old lady fall(someone think the person who helps the old lady makes the old lady fall).Then,the old lady's relatives will ask the person who helps the old lady some money(Then,the old lady's relatives will ask the person who helps the old lady for some money).Sometimes,the old lady will tell them he or she is not making her fall.But always the old lady is being hurt ,she can't tell others something(she can't tell others anything).Nobody wants to be like that.But we need to be more care of people,otherwise when we have to do some difficult things,nobody will help us. 上文批改到的地方: 第二行 I think he was a hero. 改为 I think he is a hero. 第三行 nobody to help her. 改为 nobody wants to help her. 第四行 someone think the person helps the old lady because he or she makes the old lady fall. 改为 someone think the person who helps the old lady makes the old lady fall. 第五行 Then,the old lady's relatives will ask the person who helps the old lady some money. 改为 Then,the old lady's relatives will ask the person who helps the old lady for some money. 第七行 she can't tell others something 改为 she can't tell others anything. 本文来自作文地带:。