
1.男主角用英语怎么说主角: 1. leading role 2. lead Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 当她还是一个十六岁的无名少女时 , 导演选中她演主角 。
The director cast her in a leading part when she was a young unknown of 16. 2. 他一直在讨好导演 ,  想在剧中扮演主角. He has been courting the director, hoping to get the leading role in the play. 3. 演主角的是一个毫无名气的演员. The leading role is played by a complete unknown. 4. 主角演员患病 ,  由替角代替演出. The understudy was substituted when the leading actor fell ill. 5. 寓言常以动物为主角 。Fables often have animals as the main characters. 男主角: 1. hero 2. leading man 3. starring actor 4. male lead 5. leading men Examples: 1. 当男主角策马向夕阳驰去时 , 尾声音乐逐渐消失 。
The closing music fades out when the hero rides off into the sunset. 2. 摄像机向男主角靠近 , 准备拍一组特写镜头 。The camera moved in on the hero for a close-up sequence. 3. 男主角的表现是高於生活的 。
The hero appears as a larger-than-life character. 4. 浪漫小说中最不真实的事情就是:女主角总是嫁给了意中人 , 男主角总是娶到了心上人 。The most unrealistic thing about romantic fiction is that the heroine always marries Mr Right and the hero always marries Miss Right. 女主角: 1. heroine 2. prima donna 3. the leading actress 4. preem 5. female lead Examples: 1. 她被选定在这部影片中扮演女主角 。
She was chosen to play the heroine in this film. 2. 影片的女主角是一位老妇人 。The heroine of the film is an aged woman. 3. 这部电影以女主角的死告终 。
The film ends with the death of the heroine. 4. 女主角退场. The heroine makes her exit (from the stage). 。
2.男主角,女主角英语怎么说男主角英文:chief actor
女主角英文:chief actress
n. 首领;酋长;主要部分
adj. 首席的;主要的;主任的
adv. 主要地;首要地
例:Financial stress is well established as a chief reason for divorce.
经济压力被充分证实为导致离婚的一个首要因素 。
例:This should be the chief characteristic of the true Christian.
这一个也应当是真实基督徒的主要特性 。
n. 男演员;行动者;作用物
例:His father was an actor in the Cantonese Opera Company.
他父亲曾是粤剧团的一名演员 。
例:And do you have any actor or actress you want to play with?
1、chief作“首领”解时 , 一般指的是统治者 , 尤其指的是部落的族长、酋长 。引申可指“首长” , 常指组织机构、部门的最高级别的领导人(如部长、司长、局长、科长等) 。
2、chief后常与of连用 , 表示“…的首领” 。
【男主的英语怎么写】3、chief的复数形式是在其后直接加-s:chiefs 。
4、chief作形容词的意思是“最高级别的 , 总的” , 作此解时主要用于人 , 指人的身份、地位或职权等方面“居于最高级或拥有最高权力的” 。
5、chief可作“主要的 , 最重要的”解 , 此时多指物 。
6、chief作“主要的”解时是表示限定意义的形容词 , 在句中只能置于名词前作定语 , 作“最重要的”解偶尔可用作表语 。
7、chief没有比较级和最高级形式 。
3.男主角 英文怎么说呀男主角 hero相关解释:leading man starring actor male lead leading men 例句:浪漫小说中最不真实的事情就是:女主角总是嫁给了意中人 , 男主角总是娶到了心上人 。