
1.现在英文怎么说,现在的英文例句表现现在的英文单词有:now; today; nowadays 一、now1、音标:英 [na?] 美 [na?] 2、释义:(1)adv.现在;其时;立刻;(改变话题或要对方做某事前 , 引起对方注意)喂 例句:Now I see that I was wrong. 现在我知道我错了 。
(2)adj.现在的;当今的;现任的 例句:I have to change my approach, the competition is too good now. 我得改变方法 , 现在的竞争对手太强 。(3)n.现在;目前;目前 例句:I think what I put in that book is now pretty much the agenda for this country 我认为我在书中写的正是目前该国亟待解决的问题 。
【入室英文怎么写】(4)conj.由于;既然 二、today1、音标:英 [t??de?] 美 [t??de] 2、释义:(1)adv.现在;现今;(在)今天;现代 , 当代 例句:Today he does not have to worry about making a living. 现在他不用为生活发愁了 。(2)n.现今;今天 , 今日;现代 , 当代 例句:The patient is much better today. 病人今天好多了 。
三、nowadays1、音标:英 [?na??de?z] 美 [?na???dez]2、释义:(1)adv.现在 , 当今 例句:Nowadays tractors are used even in remote mountainous regions. 现在连偏僻的山区也用上了拖拉机 。(2)n.当今 , 现在 例句:People live longer nowadays, and they are better educated 当今 , 人们越来越长寿 , 受教育程度也提高了 。
四、currently1、音标:英 [?k?r?ntli] 美 [?k?:r?ntli] 2、释义:当前 , 目前;通常 , 一般 , 现在;容易 , 流畅;普遍地 例句:He is currently focusing on assessment and development 他目前在关注评估和发展 。扩展资料:一、now词语用例:1、(every) now and again/then 有时;偶尔;时常 from time to time; occasionally Every now and again she checked to see if he was still asleep.她隔一会儿就看看他是否还在睡觉 。
2、now for sb/sth (转向新的活动或话题) used when turning to a fresh activity or subject And now for some travel news.下面播报几条旅游新闻 。3、now, now also now then (温和地表示不赞同)可是 , 好啦 used to show in a mild way that you do not approve of sth Now then, that's enough noise.好啦 , 这够吵了 。
4、(it's) now or never 机不可失;勿失良机 this is the only opportunity sb will have to do sth 二、today词语用例:1、在今天;在今日 on this day I've got a piano lesson later today.今天晚些时候我有一堂钢琴课 。2、at the present period 同义词: nowadays Young people today face a very difficult future at work.如今的年轻人面临着充满困难的工作前景 。
三、nowadays词语用例:现今;现在;目前 at the present time, in contrast with the past Nowadays most kids prefer watching TV to reading.现在大多数孩子都喜欢看电视而不喜欢读书 。参考资料:搜狗百科-now 搜狗百科-today 搜狗百科-nowadays 。
shopfront - 泛泛之交 , 点头之交 , 没有什么交情 , 只是认识而已 , 就算可以聊起来 , 话题大概也只是仅限于天气一类吧
living room - 可以登堂入室到家里来做客的朋友 。普通的朋友 。比好朋友还差一点 。
kitchen - 要好的朋友 , 可以在一定程度上肆无忌惮说话的朋友 。
bedroom - 很亲密很私密的朋友 , 可以倾吐内心的话语 。
最后一个应该是balcony , 阳台 , 回廊的意思 。----只在外围而不入你内心的朋友/或者是可以闲谈来打发时光的朋友