
1.如何写英文告别信 farewell letter【英文告别信怎么写】Dear all friends,
Today is my last day in ****, I would like to take this moment to give all my sincere thanks to you all. Nowadays, I could not help to recall the first couple of days of join in FE-CN and compare the wins and losses that once, I found all your irreproachable conduct, insight and everything you do is the only reason that made me mature. I have enjoyed my stay and appreciate having had the opportunity to work with you.Therefore, even though with regret I bid farewell, I wouldn't let the indebted heart fade away. Thank you for all the kindness, support, and enlightening ideas you have provided me with over the past year, and even though I will miss my colleagues and the company, I am looking forward to this new challenge and to starting a new phase of my career. Please keep in touch; I can be reached at my personal email address***** I wait always from you a “Hi”? Is it too weird to think that maybe fate brought us back together again? I don't think so. Thanks again for everything. Kind regard
今天是我在**的最后一天,我想把这一刻,把我所有的真诚感谢你们 。如今,我不禁回忆起参加工人最初几天比较得与失,有一次,我发现你所有的无可指责的行为,了解你所做的一切都是我的唯一原因,成熟 。我很享受我的逗留,很感谢有机会和你一起工作,所以,即使后悔我道别,我不会让感恩的心消失 。感谢你在过去一年给我提供的所有的亲切、支持和启发,即使我会想念我的同事和公司,我期待着这个新的挑战,并开始了我的职业生涯的一个新阶段 。请保持联系;我可以达成我的个人电子邮件地址*****我等你总是“嗨”?是觉得也许命运又让我们相遇太奇怪吗?我不这样认为 。再次感谢你所做的一切 。
2.谁能给写英文的告别信哪位大侠帮忙写封毕业告别信..要不把下面这个翻译过来也行 。你这篇中文告别信写得很好,很美,为啥还让别人帮写?我帮你翻译一下.有一句不知你想放在哪里.就是补充那句. "应该是工作顺利"
I am leaving. First of all, I'd like to thank you for all your support and love to me during the_____days. Next, I'd like to wish you good luck in the Junior High School Exam.
Looking back at the three unforgettable years we have had at school, there were wonderful memories imprinted with our hard work. Though there were days we misunderstood each other, there were days we were mad at each other. But I always believe that friendship does not end when we say farewell.
It is my sincere wish to all of you that all your expectations will be met; all your dreams will come true; all your wishes will be granted and all your hard work will help you reach the top ladder of success.
When stepping out on the morning dews to embrace a bright new day, you should always say this to yourself,” Be happy!”
When stars sparkle around the fantastic dreams, please do not forget me.
3.英文的告别信Dear (收信人/公司)
Thank you for all the consideration and teachings that you have given me in the past five years. It is with great regret that I say that I must leave you on (日期). I truly enjoyed working with you and would like to thank you again for everything. I would like to wish the best of luck to your company in the future.
Yours truely,
4.用英文写一个告别信留言Dear Mr. Smith:
- How are you! It's a pity that I'm leaving this school soon. At this moment, I want to say :” Thank you!”
You have taught us for three years. I think you are a good teacher. You regard us as your own children and take good care of us. Though you often get angry with us , I think you just want us to be better.
I still remember it clearly. It was my first time to learn English. You told us that learning English is not easy. Some days later, I failed in an exam. I didn't want to learn English any more. I almost wanted to give it up. You encouraged me to keeping learning and said:” Nothing is hard if you want to do it.” Thanks to your words, I began to learn it again and I made my mind up to learn it well.