1.将下面的中文翻译成英文我是中国人,母语是中文.在学校里我很喜欢上I am Chinese and my mother language is Chinese. I am very interested in learning Chinese in the school, because I can teach my foreign classmates what I have learned. Perhaps Chinese has become one of the most important languages. To the foreign classmates, both pronunciation and writing of Chinese are very difficult. I will teach them Chinese characters, Pinyin and simple dialogue step by step. At the same time, it can also help me to practise my English. I am very happy that I can teach my foreign classmates to speak Chinese. 。
2.请问写中文简历时是否要写在学校所学的课程要 。
但是要写你学的好的课程 。。
【他在学校里有中文课吗因怎么写】简历是给人家看的 。。你把简历拿到我这里,我看了以后问你点问题,我要求的人会A课程,B课程 。。而你都学过 。。如果你没写,我就不考虑你了 。。如果你学的A课程比较好,B课程不好,你写了AB两们课程,碰巧我问到你B课程的内容,发现你一问三不知 。。你还是没戏 。。所以你要写上你擅长的课程,如果我要C课程,你们学校没有教 。。但是你会,你也可以写上啊 。。到时候面试的时候交流下,就知道了 。。简历是为面试做铺垫的 。。。没有严格的格式的 。
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