
1.爱经得起考验英语作文we may begin to feel as if we have no clarity. It is difficult to know which voices to pay attention to and which ones to ignore or dismiss. Even if we manage to move forward amidst the confusion, doubts and concerns may linger in our psyches simply because they have not been fully expressed and examined. As a result, we may have trouble being at peace with the decisions we do make. 。
【能不能经得起考验英文怎么写】[网络] stand the test of time;
[例句]然而,如果你能拥有可以经受时间考验的艺术作品或者哲学著作或者科学成就,那么你就无限接近永生了 。
However, if you can have an artistic or philosophical or scientific creation that withstands the test of time, then you have come as close to it as possible.

