
同乐中学 饶云菲
菲,你知道,你最近变多了吗?你变得脆弱了,变得沉默了,变得太情绪化了 。
你常常对着镜子,跟我说,你心情不好,还当着我的面,哭了 。
现在的你像汪洋中的孤舟,失去了方向 。你变得喜欢独自坐在一处,看着过往
的人,看着别人三三两两在一起手拉着手,脸上笑开了花 。你想起了你的好朋友
情景,你说你好怀念昔日的一切 。而现在,大家虽然只隔了一堵墙,但,彼此间
的距离却很远了 。偶尔碰到,也说不上话,只笑笑,就擦肩而过 。你感到失望,
不过,我要对你说:“经不起时间和距离考验的朋友,不算真正的朋友 。”
你告诉我,你跟老师相处得不愉快,因为,你觉得老师不重视你,对你有偏见 。
你看出了自己在他们心目中没有什么份量 。因此,你畏惧他们,见着他们,就
躲得远远的,可老师的那种眼光老在你眼前闪现 。我理解你的心情,也知道那种
漠视的目光的杀伤力 。你说,你痛哭了 。不过,我要对你说:“那泪流得太不值
了,你应该努力给他们看,让事实证明,瞧不起你,是他们的错误 。”
菲,你告诉我,半期考试,你考砸了 。无情的分数将你打倒了,你觉得对不起爸
读书,而你辜负了他们 。你为这些内疚,哭泣 。我劝你,不要这样 。因为内疚,
哭泣,对改变这一切无济于事 。你说你找到了失败的原因,下决心要改正 。好,
我为你叫好 。菲,我要对你说:“失败对弱者是一个打击,对强者却是一次激励
努力就是胜利 。”
倒,不要脆弱,因为你本来就是坚强的;不要情绪化,因为它本不属于你 。失去
朋友,失去老师的信任,失去高分,只要不懈努力,就能再找回来 。
2.我要对自己说的话 作文以下纯述原创,字数不知够否,但愿能给你提供帮助 。
Now, I am a high school student in grade 3. Recently, I always want to watch TV every evening, but I can't because I have to do my Chinese homework. As a young man, I want to sing many songs, but I can't because I have no time. I want to play table tennis, but I can't because I have to recite my English words. Every day, I get up at 5:30. After washing my face and hands, I will study. All day long, I do nothing but study. It is not until 11 o'clock at night that i can stand up and go to bed. I am tired. Luckily, I get very well on my study. My parents are proud of me. 3months later, I will watch TV all day long. I will play table tennis with my best friends. I will sing as many songs as i like. In orer to realise my dream, I have to study hard. That is life. no pains, no gains.
What shall I do right now? I should continue to do my homework. I should keep running in the morning for I must keep my body healthy. I should have a good rest every night in order to have enough energy to do my homework. I must eat breakfast, lunch and supper on time. I want to have a girl friend in a few months. Now, in my class, I like one of my classmates. She is beautiful, and she is a good student. She is middle-sized with long hair, two big eyes, a small nose, a small mouth. She always wears a pink dress in the summer and a green coat in winter. Her skin is as white as snow, Though I like her, but she don't know it. Later, I will tell her that I love her, I want to take care of her all my life. If she be my wife, I will be the happiest man in the world.