
1.英语L开头的食物单词lamb 羊肉
late snack 宵夜
【食堂英语l开头的怎么写】lunch 午餐
lobster 龙虾
local dish 地方菜
Longevity Peaches长寿桃
lemonade 柠檬水
leeched 荔枝
Lemon 柠檬
Lettuce 莴苣菜
Leeks 大葱
Lobster 龙虾
Lard 猪油
lettuce 莴苣
lotus root 莲藕
leek 韭菜
loofah 丝瓜
loaf 面包
liquor 酒,烈性酒
school lunch service:基本释义 。
mess hall:更倾向于特指军队中的食堂 。
dinning hall:感觉是最保守同时也比较保险的说法 。
cafeteria:更加西化的说法,近似俚语 。
除此以外,还有:refectory、soupery、canteen、diningroom、messhall、messhouse、mess、messroom、eatery等等 。
1、从里昂的学校食堂,到莱斯特的公墓,都体现了对不同宗教人民新颖管理办法无止境且经常成功的探索 。
From the school canteens of Lyon to the cemeteries of Leicester, there is a perpetual and often successful search for new ways of managing difference.
2、例如,学校将良好营养作为一门知识向学生传授,然而它们又因为盈利的需要而在学校食堂中出售垃圾食品 。
For example, schools teach good nutrition as part of the curriculum, and then they sell junk food in the school canteen because they need to make a profit.
3、布莱恩·汪幸科最初对学校食堂产生兴趣是因为州政府希望他帮助几个纽约学校在学生中增加新鲜水果的消费 。
Brian Wansink first became interested in the school lunchroom when he was asked to help a group of New York schools boost fresh fruit consumption among students.
3.写一篇关于学校食堂的英语作文Dear Headmaster, I'm writing this letter simply to tell you something about the canteen service in our school.I'm the minister from the life department of the Students' Union. In general, the service is satisfactory. The dishes look inviting and taste delicious as well. The price of the meals is OK for us and the variety of dishes changes every week.What's more, the workers there treat us as their friends, which makes us feel very happy. However, we often have to stand in line for a long time before we can get the meal. You could understand how precious time is to us students. Therefore, may I suggest something be done to solve the problems such as the dish quality and surroundings so that we can all enjoy our meals at school? Thanks for your consideration. 。
4.关于食堂的英语作文When I enter to the college, it is different from the middle school and the most different point is that we have got so much free tome. So how can we use this free time fully?
In my point of view, the first we want to have a try is to find a part-time job.
For one thing, it can add our working experience.
For another, we can also earn some money to release the stress of the family.
What's more, to go out with some friends is also a good way to spend our free time
We can refresh ourselves after the study and can have better conditions when go back to study.
The last thing I think that's we can do some sports activities. For example climbing the hills. Jogging around you college or just walking along the street and so on.
Life is short, live it up.
There are many activities we can do in our college and just have a try to make you college life more colorful and beautiful.
5.谁能帮我写一篇关于食堂的英文作文Many students are not satisfied with the canteen in their schools, so they order the fast-food outside the campus. But the problem comes, some of them feel sick after eating fast-food, so the schools have taken some action to forbid students to order fast-food. A lot of students complain about the right to choose food. Our principal hear students' voice, he had promised to improve the food choices and make students eat better. A semester passed, the principal had kept his words, a new canteen was built and students were happy to see the new food. Students can make better food choice, there are many delicious food that they have never met before. Now , students no longer go out to eat, they love the food in canteen. This is a win-win situation, students give up complaining and speak highly of their principal. 。