1.英语写“江南水乡”作为一个中国特有景点介绍,怎么写he rain has always been a dream south are all doing the same dream. The dream, you support the embroider red umbrella, pacing in full of the awaken of spring flowers in between. Fine the wind, rain, such as fog erratic figures of the thin, let I brought forth "pitiful quest" gloomy mood. ChunCao such as washing, the mischievous resistance stumble upon you from the steps of idle, wet pink silk edge leg, also are wet your lonely mood. The castle peak in the rain, the face of melancholy recounting your lonely. "Do not think of rain and wind to ', you was standing there, the children, the children of autumn, qianshan mountains children the past lives. We wake up to just know, this is just a dream, a dream only in jiangnan just some. I actually li and the same dream, he 1000 years ago in" the nothing. Acacia straight 。
2.高分求关于 江南 的风景民俗英文介绍,或是描写美景的英文江南如歌、江南如酒、江南如诗、江南如梦,江南是一幅浓淡相宜的水墨长卷 。“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”,“沾衣欲湿杏花雨、吹面不寒杨柳风”,有哪一句不是江南的飘逸呀 。在那“借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村”的霏霏细雨里,可见杜牧的轻愁萦结在眉梢;在那“姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船”的乌啼里,有张继的长夜无眠:“江南好,风景旧曾谙 。日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝”里跳跃着白六一的满心喜悦:“水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇”里,东坡该把盏艳羡那西子的袅娜芳华……
【水乡英文怎么写】散文江南里,你可以在春日里寻一径绿地放飞轻灵的纸鸢 。或可以在杨柳依依里长亭赋诗,寄托给心上人儿缕缕思念 。当那满目青翠的荷叶葳蕤时,有一叶乌蓬轻舟在湖面荡漾,微温的绍兴黄酒在手,带着菡萏气息的清风拂面时,直须长醉不愿醒是谁都乐意的 。红男绿女,于长堤上轻折桃花,吴侬软语会和那金丝小枣、陆稿荐排骨一起甜得让你发腻 。在那浆声灯影的夜色里,穿行十里秦淮,你可见那“烟笼寒水月笼纱”的绮丽?此时或许有那一温润女子,葱指在琵琶上轻拢慢捻,岁月就在此时跨越了千年,幽幽如梦,甘醇如那陈年的酒 。郁达夫描绘到“烂熟的春光,带来了沉酣的光和热,流露在钱塘江的绿波影里,江上两岸的杂树枝头,树下的泥沙地面,都罩着一层嫩绿绒衣,有一种清新香味蒸吐出来” 。此时的你可以从这文字里嗅到了江南的独特气息么?
夏日的江南,是那散文的第一道转折 。西湖六月,风光
The coast
Often at the edge of the sea there are cliffs (high mountains), which give a great view over the sea. But they can also be dangerous, especially if they are eroded, when rocks and earth fall away into the sea. Most people prefer sandy beaches rather than pebble beaches (beaches with small stones). The coastline can be straignt, or it can have bays which are often semi-circular in shape.
Mountain ranges are spectacular as you can often see snow-capped peaks against the skyline. From the top of a mountain (the summit or the peak), there are breathtaking views. Not much grows on mountains, as generally the terrain (ground) is rocky, but the air is often pure. However, the valleys (low areas encircled by the mountains) are more fertile.
From the foothills of the mountains (the small hills nearest mountains), the scenery inland tends to be less dramatic with rolling hills and open countryside. You can find more farmland, but also forests or woods (smaller forests). The land is generally irrigated by rivers or lakes (areas of water which are enclosed) and streams (narrow paths of water).
In some countries, there are vast areas of open, flat land called plains (or prairies) which are used to grow various crops such as wheat (the grain used to make flour for bread.)