
1.认星争优.做美德少年家长评语怎么写我的先生是美2113国人, 我有很多美国朋友 。
一句话: People does NOT care how much you know; People want to know how much you care. 美国 Good Manner, Character matters. 如果你能展示这5261一点, 就是美德少年 。我的女儿很美丽, 我总说: I want you beautiful inside, inside counts. Beautiful outside is given, beautiful inside, you need to work on it, everyday through your life.每年春天第一朵花开4102了, 她总是采了, 送给老师, 我从来没有提1653醒她 。
我每次都让她捐款内等等其实他是个美德少年, 不是编的, 是他容挣来的, 你只是记录下来 。谢谢 。

