
1.描写黄河的英语作文带有翻译100Standing on the beach of the Yellow River, looked to be light of heart from care,Pentium the Yellow River water, my whole body and mind are integrated into thethe Yellow River water, it is "the Yellow River comes from the sky". From afar, withlong rows of neat river bank wide across the river, like water like the Great Wallstanding there, on the Bank of a straight, luxuriant poplar, like a green soldier likeprotecting our mother river - the Yellow River along the East River; I looked, onlyto see the wide river turn a big bend, the river gradually disappeared in the waterat the junction of the end; I to look to the west, there is a steel bridge across justabove in the Yellow River,, a train, accompanied by the rumbling sound of the call, quickly put the past, I think the bridge more spectacular! I looked down and saw the turbid yellow river water, sometimes under great circle, sometimes with a small circle, and I like to play hide and seek! I bent down and touched the Rourou skateboarding River, like my favorite popsicle like cool. I heard Dad Say: "the Yellow River is the second longest river in our country, west of Bayankala mountain in Qinghai Province, to the East into the Gulf of Bohai. The source ofthe river is clear, because after the Loess Plateau, became yellow soil.
站在黄河滩上,望着无忧无虑、奔腾的黄河水,我的整个身心都溶入到黄河水中了,真是“黄河之水天上来” 。远远望去,宽阔的河对岸有排长长的整齐的河堤,象水上长城一样伫立在那里,河堤上种着笔直又茂盛的杨树,象一个个绿色的士兵一样保护着我们的母亲河--黄河;我顺着东流的河水望去,只见宽阔的河面拐了个大大的弯,河水渐渐地消失在水天交界的尽头;我向西望去,有一座钢铁桥横跨在黄河之上,正巧,有一列火车,伴着轰隆隆的呼叫声,快速地穿了过去,我觉得这座桥更壮观了!我低头看见浑浊的黄色河水,有时打着大圈,有时又打着小圈,好像和我捉迷藏呢!我弯腰摸了摸柔柔滑滑的河水,象我最爱吃的冰棒一样清凉
2.中学黄河英语作文I stand on the of the high mountain,
Hope the yellow river billowing,
Rush toward southeast.
The surge of gold ,
Bring about ten thousand roaring waveses ;
Turbid stream and sweet,
Become nine songs connects the wreath;
From the kunlun below the hills,
Rush toward the side of Yellow sea;
Chase Central plains the earth
Split south north both sides.
, Yellow river!
You are the cradle of the Chinese nation!
5,000 years of ancient Chinese language turn,
This originates from you;
【黄河用英语怎么写】How much hero of story,
Play nearby at you!
, Yellow river!
You are great strong,
Be like a giant
Appear the plain in Asia on,
Use your that heroic physique
Build the natural cover of our race.
, Yellow river!
Ten thousand high of your one ,
Vastly and mightily,
To the south north cross-straits
Stretch out the upper arm of an iron of ten million.
Great spirit of our race,
Will feed at you under
Develop to grow!
The hero children of our motherland,
Will study your model,
Be like your similar greatness strong!
Be like your similar greatness strong!