
1.中心思想是有关大学生有体育课的英语作文The Most Impressive Course in My CollegeWhen it comes to a course that leaves the deepest impression in university, different people stand on different grounds. As for me, the most impressive course in college is “Appreciation of English Movies”, which I like best. I prefer this curriculum to others owing to the following factors.On one hand, the professor in charge of this course has impressed me most because she is not only knowledgeable but also patient. More importantly, it is this respectable teacher who spurs my interest to English harder and broadens my horizon as well. Until now, what she said in the class often occurs to my mind. On the other hand, there are many discussions in the classroom when we have lessons. We are allowed to talk freely about a movie, the topic ranging from the theme of a film to its casting. So, during the talk, we become increasingly open-minded. And undoubtedly a brain open to everything carries great importance to study, work and life.Generally speaking, the course on appreciating English films has impressed me most for it is not only instructive but also entertaining. And therefore, I suggest that more similar courses should be offered in the university. 。
2.【请用英语翻译一下上面这句话.因为我要写英语文章的中心思想如 The author of the passage intends to inform us of the necessity for teens to choose healthy and moderate snacks,which is beneficial to their health.He also suggests to us some ways to make healthy snacking part of our daily life.This passage mainly says that many teenagers have their own secrets but parents always want to know them ,which will probably hurt children's feeling .As a result ,children won't like to share their secrets with their parents. 。
3.哪位高人能帮我写一下这篇英语文章的中心思想么因此,从1995年起美国将设为独立的组织 。
然后这篇文章主要介绍了因特网的发展历程 。
因特网的理论基础的创建主要归功于三位名人和一个学术研究会议 。
Vannevar Bush通过对memex自动化图书馆系统的描述向人们展示了信息技术的美好应用前景 。
Norbert Wiener提出了控制论,激发了研究者们通过对技术应用的研究扩展人类的能力 。
1956年人工智能会议指出技术正以指数速度增长,并指出其结果将如何 。
Marshall McLuhan提出了地球村的概念 。
1957年苏联发射了世界上第一颗人造卫星,使美国意识到必须赢得军备竞赛,因此创建了ARPA这一组织 。IPTO负责人建议建立一个全国性的网络 。此后,其他的一些网络也加入其中 。1990年后 因特网迅速发展

