
1.英语翻译【疼的睡不着英语怎么写】They can't sleep他们不能入睡 。
Where will you play soccer tomorrow你明天会去那儿踢足球?I will write a book的约会写一本书 。Why will you buy this watch你为何会买这只手表?They can't ski我能够滑雪滑雪 。
I can't laugh我笑不出来 。Don't stop不要停 。
Will you marry me你愿意与我结婚吗?What time can I see you甚麽时间我可以会见你?Can I take a shower我可以来个花洒沿吗?Give me a coffee(请)给我一杯咖啡Can I have a coffee可以给我一杯咖啡吗?Please help me请帮一帮我!I will not burp我不会吐汽 。Can you fix my car你应指我修理我的车子吗?They will go to the supermarket他们将会去超市 。
I can't fight with superman我不能与超人作战 。

