
英语投诉信范文Directions:.;.,...Don',useDonnainstead.英文投诉信模板Dear______,①Iam______(自我介绍).②.③______(总体介绍).④Inthefirstplace,______(抱怨的第一个方面).⑤Inaddition,______(抱怨的第二个方面).⑥,Ifindit______(感觉)to______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).⑦______(提出建议和请求),preferably______(进一步的要求),______(设定解决事情最后期限).⑧.Yourssincerely,LiMing范文DearSir Iamwritingto
2.英语投诉信怎么写) Sincerely,希望能帮得上你的忙. The size of the shirt does NOT match the size that I chose originally. Under lawHello, I am your customer. On [当时邮购的日子],I ordered a shirt from you [或者填上那个公司的名字]. The item was
delivered on [物品寄出的日子]. On [发现问题的日子],I discovered that item was faulty,你的名字日期
以上供你参考. Please response to this lettter within [要求卖家在多少天内回信] days from receipt .(为了方便卖家联络你,你可以加上这句话 I can be reached at [你的电话号码],I now request to have the correct item mailed to my address:[你的邮寄地址]
3.用英语写一份投诉信,该怎么写(右上角)Dec 日期
(左上角)Dear Mr.Manager:
(起一段,空两格),I'm writing to complain about the poor quality of mobil phone in your store.I bought an SQ200 mobile phone at The First department store.The mobile phone couldn't sent message and take photos after a short time.I hope The First department store can exchange a new one with me or return me the whole money.(起一段,中偏右)Yours,(起一段,对齐上排)作者名字、
Dear General Manager Mr.XXX
With all due respect, I am writing to you a serious letter to get either refunded or exchanged on a washing machine purchased at your department store on 17th, May.
Only two week from the date we made the purchase, the machine was no longer functional and remained broken after being repaired again and again. I suspect the authority of the salesperson to make the decision, and therefore I am turning to you for your kindly help.
4.英语投诉信范文Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to comlain about a Microcomputer I purchased from your company.
I purchased a computer from your company on 05/07/2010 and it was delivered by your company to my house on 08/07/2010. When we opened the box, we noticed there was two dents at the back of the computer and there are some scratches on the screen.
I would like you to arrange for another brand-new computer to be delivered to me as soon as possible. Otherwise, I would like to have my full refund.
Yours faithfully,
5.用英语写投诉信:Dear Sir or Madam:
Thanks for reading this letter. I bought a pair of shoes at your store last month, but I'm sorry to tell you that it breaks though I took care of it everyday. Thus, I'd like to change another pair of shoes or get my money back. Please reply me as soon as possible, and help me to solve this problem as better as you can.
I'm looking forward you.
感谢您阅读这封信 。上个月我在你店里买了双鞋,尽管我每天都很小心穿它但它还是坏了 。我希望能换一双或退款 。请尽快联系我,我希望你可以尽最大努力帮我处理好这个问题 。
Dear president:
I am one of the student who
critical of restaurant of our seminary. We have been informed frequently that
with the declining quality of the restaurant of our school it is intolerable to
meal at school. It becomes the source of great complaint by student. Therefore