
1.英语作文summer50个单词Nowadays,when it comes to summer, we can't ignore the fact that the temperature grows higher and higher. Frankly speaking, air-condition has become a must in our daily life owing to the hot summer.
【高温英语怎么写】如今,当谈论到夏天时,我们绝对不能够忽视气温越来越高这个事实 。坦率地说,由于高温的夏天,空调已经成为我们日常生活中的一个必需品 。
From my point of view, summer time has become a period which let people feel uncomfortable. The circumstance of summer is not as comfortable as it used to be. Furthermore, many lovely small animals have slowly disappeared. Take the firefly as an example, the firefly has attractive light at night, and it can bring much jocundity to kids. In recent years, we almost cannot see it. Summer's topic has changed from enjoyment into suffering. At the same time, we have lost too much joyfulness and quietude.
在我看来,夏日的时光已经成为一段让人们感觉不舒服的时间了 。夏天再也不像以前那么舒适了 。而且,许许多多可爱的小动物也已经在悄然消失了 。就拿萤火虫来说,萤火虫在夜晚有很吸引人的光芒,能够带给孩子们很多快乐 。最近这些年,我们几乎看不到它了 。夏日的主题已经从欢乐转变成煎熬了 。与此同时,我们也失去了太多的快乐和宁静 。
Why does the summer get so terrible? With the development of society, we should have a higher life standard, but actually there are environment problems which influence people's life. The high temperature is the best instance to explain the existed environment issues. On the one hand, many factories have produced much pollution which can make temperature become higher. On the other hand, a lot of people don't really realize the importance of protecting the environment. They have not enough awareness to understand that protecting environment is to save themselves.
为什么夏天会变得如此糟糕呢?随着社会的发展,我们应该是会有一个更好的生活水平,但是,这里实际上确实存在着许多能够影响人们生活的环境问题 。高温就是一个最好的例子去说明存在的环境问题 。一方面,很多工厂产生了污染,而这些污染会促使温度升高 。另一方面,许多人并没有真正意识到保护环境的重要性 。他们不能够充分明白保护环境其实就是拯救他们自己这个事实 。
We need such a summer: happy insect language, clear river, comfortable temperature, fresh air.
我们真正需要的是这样的一个夏天:欢快的虫语,清澈的河水,舒适的温度,清新的空气 。
Anyone is supposed to take actions to save our life environment. Let our summer become more dynamic!
任何人都应该献出自己的一份力量去拯救我们的生活环境 。让我们的夏天充满活力吧!
2.高温马达英文怎么写high temperature motor
摘录:long axis high temperature ac motor:
1.Small size and elegant appearance
2.Small vibration
3.Low noise
4.Low heat
5.Temperature resistance of 180oc
6.Adoption of imported bearing.
7.The axis length can be customized as customer request

