
1.“小河”英文怎么写stream [stri:m]
名词 n.
1.小河, 溪流
Can you jump across the stream?
2.流, 一股, 一串
A stream of people was going into the cinema.
一股人流走进影院 。
3.水流方向, 潮流
He hasn't the courage to go against the stream of public opinion.
他没有勇气逆舆论潮流行事 。
She is in the A stream.
她在A班 。
5. 一连串,接二连三,源源不断(的事情)
6. 一连串,接二连三,源源不断(的事情)
1. 小河的单词是:river
2. 音标:[?r?v?(r)]
3. 其他意思:n.江; 溪,巨流
4. 例句:a pathway leading towards the nearby river
一条通往附近河流的小路 。
2. 蓝天的单词:blue sky
5. 音标:[blu: skai]
6. 其他意思:彼苍;青天
7. 例句:the mountain is relieved against the blue sky.
在蓝天的映衬下,这座山轮廓分明 。
学习一个单词,音、形、义、用 都懂了才是真正的学会!
3.我家附近的小河英语作文Time really flies, the twinkling of an eye and came to the summer sorching summer, in the summer, the temperature is very high, so the best is swimming to cool Jieshu about, and my favorite is few people home near the river play to cool, comfortable clothes to spend the hot summer!
Today, let me tell you about some of the experiences of the river to share it with you!
Remember that day, the weather is very hot, nearly thirty-eight degrees Celsius, and ran into the street is in a sauna, I will take no class time Sunday, about several good friends to a river near my home in the play, because we are very love swimming and active person so, as long as I call, they are coming, we came to the river and found a lot of people in the play, because of the river is shallow, so there are a lot of small friends will come here in the cool, I and a few friends immediately took off his shirt, ran to the river to water play, that we are all playing very crazy, we are all wet can give up, because the river is too deep! If it is very dangerous for our students, so this small The river is all the little friends in summer in a park, sometimes when splashing, may have found some small animals, such as fish, shrimp, and so on. So the river is a fun facility we have to use in the summer!

